Too few good men

By Dimitri Vassilaros
Friday, September 7, 2007

Can a rational person in America comprehend the brutal honesty of Carlos X. Carrillo and still remain sane?
If you really stop and think about it, the ramifications are overwhelming. How many people can wrap their minds around the idea that Mr. Carrillo, the Laredo Border Patrol sector chief, is doing exactly what the Bush administration wants him to do -- in other words, virtually nothing -- to stop illegal immigration?

One possible reason why Mr. Bush has such a moronic policy could be because he thinks uncontrolled Hispanic immigration is a good thing for the Western Hemisphere, the experiences of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs notwithstanding.

In "A Few Good Men," the Tom Cruise character, Daniel Alastair Kaffee, demanded the truth from Jack Nicholson's Col. Nathan R. Jessep. In the signature moment of the film, Jessep shouted, "You can't handle the truth."

At a town hall meeting last month, Chief Carrillo said: "I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Border Patrol's job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol's job is not to stop narcotics ... or contraband. ... The Border Patrol's mission is not to stop criminals. The Border Patrol's mission is to stop terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the country."
Can America handle that truth?

Don't think Carrillo misspoke or was taken out of context. Remember, he said it before and he will say it again. His letter to the editor of the local newspaper to "explain fully" the comments attributed to him said much but not that he was misquoted or even taken out of context.

He also did not elaborate how any agent taking his job seriously can spot the terrorists among the hordes of illegals from Mexico overrunning this republic.

That Carrillo has not been fired for spilling the beans says all anyone needs to know about the Bush administration agenda. What Carrillo was really saying is that transformational anarchy is the unofficial policy of President George W. Bush. The rule of law essentially will be ignored by Senor Bush for the greater good -- the Mexification of America for the new world order.

And heaven help any Border Patrol agent who dares to actually enforce the law. Two agents learned the hard way that their freedom had to be sacrificed to make a point. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean tried to stop a Mexican drug runner transporting more than 700 pounds of marijuana. One shot the illegal in the buttocks. So, of course, the Bush administration had to make them examples of what could happen to any agent who tries to protect the border.

The two received 11- and 12-year prison terms, respectively, while the drug runner was cared for in a U.S. military hospital and was given immunity by the Bush administration to testify against the two who interfered with his drug delivery. And oh yes, the illegal has filed a $5 million lawsuit because the agents allegedly violated his rights.

How many other Carrillos are there who are supposedly defending (wink, wink) America's Mexican border? He simply is confirming what so many Americans probably suspect and yet so few really want to face -- that they have been completely betrayed by their own government.

When Jessep told the truth, it cost him his career. It should cost Mr. Carrillo his, too. ... 26123.html