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  1. #11
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Tell your "farm labor networks" who apparently arrange all this labor to E-verify or go to jail or get out of the business because there are plenty of Americans who stand ready to organize Americans to pick and sort apricots for $10 an hour or more in rural areas. Please don't continue this con game of telling Americans, they won't pick and sort apricots or do any other farm job for a decent wage and the fair opportunity to do so. My dad picked fruit, my cousin picked lettuce, so DON'T TELL ME that Americans won't sign up for this work.

    These illegal aliens have been doing this work for years, they're organized through these labor networks, they know months if not a year in advance about the job, where it is, what the arrangements are, what the gigs are to earn the most for the least amount of effort.

    These are jobs that have been stolen from Americans, especially young Americans, who have the freedom and the time and the bodies to do this work, see the country, earn money, and learn the business whether it's 2 months of work in Washington state or 2 months in Washington, 1 month in California, 2 months in Florida, 2 months in North Carolina and a 1.5 months in Wisconsin which is 8.5 months of work a year with unemployment benefits the other 3.5. You want to right to deprive Americans of this work and benefits? Screw you!

    Then you have the audacity to want to pull some PR Fraud planting stupid dishonest stories about how you ran an ad in a local paper 1 week before harvest and wail that no one showed up to try to insult Americans? You're trash! Run ads months in advance all over the country, and don't just do it on the computer, do it right, do it thorough, take applications over the phone, have someone to talk to the applicants and explain how it works and tell your "labor networks", bring me citizens or existing immigrants or You're Fired.

    DO NOT TELL US AMERICANS WON'T DO THIS WORK, you low-life, low-down lying pond scum, because we know the truth. So, you want to farm in the United States, either you hire verified US citizens or legal immigrants who are already here with legitimate verifiable papers or you shut down your stupid farm and either someone else will grow what you refuse to grow, you friggin' traitors, or we'll eat something else grown by someone else.

    I've listened to you whining farmers until I want to puke. Your pity party is old bad news. You want to pollute, erode the soil, drain our water supplies, hire illegal aliens complete with guaranteed prices, legislated markets, government subsidies, government loans, government insurance, etc., etc., etc.

    You know what? America has had it with the farmers and their lobbyists. You've given us pesticides, climate changing fertilizers, contaminated soils, contaminated air, contaminated water, salmonella and e coli. You've dried up our aquifers, deformed our food supply and threatened our habitat and ecosystem with genetically modified organisms.

    So, we don't owe you crap, let alone the right to hand off your jobs to foreign nationals in our country in violation of US immigration law.

    No way, Jose. You grow and process it legally or you won't be allowed to grow it or process here. Period.

    Congress needs to pass the E-verity law and pass it now. YOU GO LAMAR SMITH. YOU GO REPUBLICANS! YOU GROW AMERICANS!
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  2. #12
    Junior Member thomasinpain's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    The Lamar Smith e-verify bill was written by the Chamber of Commerce. You should know that if this bill passes it will eliminate all of the recent laws that have been passed such as in Arizonia, Georgia, Alabama etc. and it will prohibit the states from ever writing new imigraton laws. It also has an exemption for Agriculture workers, so these articles on how it will effect farmers are bogus articles. It also has a delayed implementation.

    However the Grassley e-verify bill that is in the Senate was not written by the Chamber of Commerce and it only has the delayed implementation component.

    Do not support the Smith bill. It is everything you are against.

    Support the Grassley bill with an amendment to make it take effect right away.

    Beware the smoke and mirrors.

  3. #13

    1. It stabs Arizona in the back immediately after Arizona won its victory in the U.S. Supreme Court.
    The law that Arizona passed in 2007 (which suspends business licenses of employers who knowingly hire unauthorized aliens and, which has been enforced vigorously), would be preempted under the Legal Workforce Act (sec. (6), p. 50).

    2. It is an affront to states’ rights.
    The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of cooperative enforcement, with the states and the federal government working together to restore the rule of law in immigration. Yet this bill snatches defeat from the jaws of victory and tells the states that they can no longer take meaningful actions to go after employers who knowingly hire unauthorized aliens. Alabama adopted Arizona’s approach just two weeks after the Supreme Court victory. Dozens of other states are likely to follow in 2012 when the state legislatures go back into session. If the Legal Workforce Act passes, Congress will tie the states’ hands, forcing them to continue paying about $80 billion a year in fiscal costs caused by illegal immigration.

    3. The Legal Workforce Act will be another federal law that goes unenforced.
    The federal government has been unwilling to aggressively enforce immigration laws in the workplace, and this law will be no exception. There is zero likelihood that the current administration will go after employers who fail to use E-Verify or who knowingly help their employees circumvent the system (which is very easy to do by using a U.S. citizen’s stolen name and Social Security number). In contrast, states like Arizona have been very effective in enforcing their own laws. In Arizona, dozens of worksite raids have occurred. That is why the number of illegal aliens in Arizona dropped 16 percent between 2008 and 2010 — more than double the national average (of 7 percent).

    4. The Legal Workforce Act gives a “workplace amnestyâ€

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