The Fast And The Spurious VII: The (Hopefully) Final Chapter

May 8, 2012 by Ben Crystal

The Attorney General, with the unwavering support of the President, has lied repeatedly about what and when he knew regarding OFF.

Under normal circumstances, it is hard to imagine anyone deriving any benefit from the President of the United States fumbling the political ball and then kicking it around the proverbial field.

However, since America has not witnessed a 10-thumbed President since Jimmy Carter lost the Battle of the Chattahoochee Bunny, it’s hard to imagine anyone finding himself in a position to celebrate such inimitable ineptitude. In fact, not even the Bumpkin from Plains unleashed an Attorney General so devoid of decency that he could squeeze a smile from a failed operation which led directly to the murders of two Federal agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals.

Unfortunately for America—not to mention the aforementioned Federal agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals—the Obama Administration has been anything but normal; and Attorney General Eric Holder could probably crack a grin in an abattoir.

While Obama has demonstrated increasingly panicked Presidential acumen in the wake of his deservedly declining popularity, Holder appears to be enjoying the anonymity afforded to him by a President whose failures are front page news. And anonymity—even accidental—is precisely what Holder needs now.

The details regarding the Department of Justice-designed “gunwalking” program Operation Fast and Furious are a matter of public record. Border Agent Brian Terry and Immigration officer Jaime Zapata are dead, the number of Mexicans killed by DoJ-armed narcoterrorists may never be known. Holder has repeatedly flouted Congressional inquiries into his involvement; even to the point of employing his boss’s favorite defense against criticism: the race card.

“This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him…both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.” The Attorney General, with the unwavering support of the President, has lied repeatedly regarding what and when he knew about OFF.

With the corporate media avoiding more than a passing mention of OFF and its attendant body count, it’s no wonder Holder finds time for such worthy pursuits as delivering Obama’s endorsement to Al Sharpton’s hate group. Unfortunately for Holder, his race-based wild ride may soon reach its ignominious end. While Obama’s idiotic antics have dominated the headlines, Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has pressed on in an effort to press Holder for straight answers. And now, Issa and his compatriots are considering citing Holder for Contempt of Congress for his shocking refusal to cooperate with the investigation into OFF and its fallout.

Among the items listed in a draft of the Contempt citation: Holder’s failure to acknowledge less than half the material subpoenaed by Issa, Holder’s repeated denials that his closest aides were well aware of OFF—despite Issa’s uncovering of DoJ documents and emails proving otherwise—and Holder’s attempts to cover up the situation by alternately trying to tie it to the vastly-different Bush-era Operation Wide Receiver and/or shamefully deploying the clearly maxed-out race card.

I often face questions about what some consider a borderline obsession with Holder and Operation Fast and Furious. I respond thusly: The chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America is clearly attempting to obfuscate his involvement in a remarkably ill-conceived and implemented DoJ program which produced no results beyond a body count. Combined with the three stooges-esque bumbling by his boss and their accomplices, chaos is raging from Sanford, Fla., to Arizona and back. And I’m not describing the usual chaos which accompanies proactive efforts by Democrats to hide their complicity in whatever disgrace they’ve visited upon the Nation. I’m talking “Detroit the night after the Pistons win the title” chaos.

What I find almost as galling as Holder—and by extension, Obama—stubbornly refusing to even acknowledge the crimes associated with OFF is the pure arrogance inherent in continuing Obama’s own belief that the Constitutionally-mandated separation of powers is more of a guideline than an actual rule.

On a positive note: I’m clearly not the only one who has noticed the self-consuming self-importance which has overtaken the Democratic Party. Despite the spectacular campaign of hype and hypocrisy which has been conducted in defense of Obama and Holder, the President’s polling numbers now show him trailing the hardly-conservative Mitt Romney. I’m not convinced that terminating Eric Holder at this late hour will be enough to save Obama’s fading hopes. But it might save lives.

–Ben Crystal

The Fast And The Spurious VII: The (Hopefully) Final Chapter : Personal Liberty Alerts=