Neo-nazis protest illegal immigration in Omaha... FBI involved?

A February 2006 neo-Nazi (National Socialist Movement) march in Parramore, Florida was organized by an FBI informant, according to documents obtained in an unrelated trial. The FBI wouldn't say what knowledge it had of its informant's actions related to the march.

Now, the same Nazi group is going to be surrounding the Mexican consulate in Omaha this weekend to protest illegal immigration. Could an FBI informant be involved in spurring them to organize that protest? That's certainly a valid question given the Parramore case.

Note also that the Mexican consul knows just how to play this:

Mexican Consul Jose Luis Cuevas believes the racist, anti-immigration group has as much a right as any to express their views-even if he doesn't agree with them. "I have seen every kind of demonstration from pro to totally contrary so they are totally within there right to do it," Cuevas explains.

Of course, he might at least have added that protests like this will be used by those who support illegal immigration to discredit everyone else who opposes it.