01 Oct

Hypocritical AZ Gov. Napolitano Bemoans Lack of Compensation for ILLEGALS

AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano has done EVERYTHING within her power, and then some, to prevent local, state and federal law enforcement from stopping the invasion of ILLEGAL aliens into Arizona.

Now she wants U.S. Taxpayers to give her $500 million for her failure to act in some cases her interference in the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.

— One Old Veteran

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Governor works on budget plan

Gov. Janet Napolitano is reacting to Arizona’s budget problems by drafting plans to present to lawmakers who themselves are beginning to focus on the issue.

Napolitano says her plans will center on varying revenue shortfall projections. The biggest is $800 million, roughly 8 percent of the current $9.9 billion budget.

Her ideas include spending cuts, emptying the state’s rainy day fund and borrowing against future revenue streams. Those include lottery sales and payments under settlement with tobacco companies.

Napolitano also wants the federal government to pay $500 million owed Arizona for costs resulting from illegal immigration.

Napolitano’s discussion of her plans comes as legislators gather for a special budget briefing Wednesday afternoon.

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