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Church should not oppose Minutemen
This is an open letter to Pastor Michael Seifert of San Felipe De Jesus Church and the white ribbon anti-Minutemen group:

Pastor, I praise you for your dedication to the poor in America. I also approve of your political activism, up to a point. Where I draw the line is when political activism helps to defend or promote unethical or illegal activity.

I disapprove of the San Felipe de Jesus Church’s planned activities in opposition to the Minutemen. I am, frankly, surprised that people of faith would be so overwhelmed by their sense of compassion that it allows them to become complicit in any form or fashion with illegality.

The Minuteman are within their legal right (some would say obligation) under the Constitution of the United States and their States to legally speak, assemble, report crimes, address government for their failures and to carry personal-defense weapons if and when permitted by the law.

It is more moral and ethical to report a crime than to commit it or cover it up, wouldn’t you agree? You would expect no less of any witness (Minuteman or not) who observed a crime, would you?

What is so grave is that the broken borders do not only allow desperate aliens to violate our borders (a federal crime, but it also allows traffickers in prostitution and drugs, and potential terrorists, to pose a threat to undeserving people in the United States.

The interest of a desperate law-breaker cannot be allowed to contribute to the potential death and suffering of thousands of innocent law-abiding citizens, right?

Did you know that helping a person who intends to violate or has violated the United States borders (for whatever purpose â€â€