Resident's New Book Tackles Illegal Immigration

By Chris Boyd Peninsula News
Rancho Palos Verdes resident Daniel Sheehy said the revelation came shortly after he attended a rally on the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall. It was there that he witnessed the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, which encouraged open borders and called for giving illegal aliens legal status in the United States.

According to Sheehy, a speaker in Spanish urged the crowd, which included hundreds of illegal aliens, to start a revolution as attendees pumped their fists in the air. "There were Los Angeles police just standing around and doing nothing," he said. "It gave me a chill."

A few nights later, Sheehy awoke suddenly at 3:30 a.m., walked into his home office and began the first chapter of his recently released book, "Fighting Immigration Anarchy -- American Patriots Battle to Save the Nation."

"The more I learned about our nation's immigration policies ... the more I wanted to learn. I became very concerned about the future of our country," said Sheehy, a former United Airlines communications specialist and reporter for Aviation Daily in Washington, D.C. "I realized that this mass invasion of our country was too important to ignore."

Sheehy said the events of 9/11 also got him thinking about immigration policy -- after all, the hijackers were here illegally. Then in early 2003, he attended a meeting of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform in Garden Grove. There he listened to speaker and former L.A. area schoolteacher Chris Simcox, president of the controversial Arizona-based volunteer border patrol organization known as The Minutemen.

Many government officials, including President George W. Bush, have referred to Simcox and his volunteers as vigilantes, but Sheehy said Simcox's speech was inspiring. "There was standing room only. I had never seen anything like this before," he recalled. "I thought, this is what it must have been like in the years leading up to 1776."

'True Patriots'

"Fighting Immigration Anarchy" focuses on six people involved in the fight against illegal immigration: American Border Patrol founder Glenn Spencer, South Central Los Angeles resident Terry Anderson, environmental journalist Roy Beck, California Coalition for Immigration Reform founder Barbara Coe, former Wall Street banker Joe Guzzardi and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo.

"They are the true American patriots, the true courageous Americans," Sheehy said. "That's the heart of the book."

According to Sheehy, the mainstream media for years have painted those opposed to illegal immigration as racists and white male conservatives. However, he said the subjects of his book are Democrats, Republicans and Independents. He also points to Coe, who is half Sioux Indian, and Anderson, who is African-American.

"I wanted to write a book about people. I wanted to tell the story of mass uncontrolled immigration through the eyes of people," Sheehy said. "And I wanted to write a book of inspiration and hope."

Though Sheehy credits the book's subjects as sources of hope who help to combat

illegal immigration, he said the problem is out of control. Every day, he added, 10,000 illegal immigrants come into the United States, but authorities apprehend just 3,000

of them.

"It has gotten worse since 9/11," Sheehy said. "What about the poor Americans who are losing jobs to the people coming here illegally? If we're in a war on terror, why do we have open borders, why are 10,000 people allowed to come across our borders illegally? These are important questions that need to be addressed."

If no one tackles such problems, Sheehy said, illegal immigrants will continue to burden the country's school and medical systems. "We are losing our common language. We are losing our common culture," he said. "You're seeing this domino effect of hospitals and emergency rooms being burdened by millions of illegal immigrants."

Sheehy said illegal immigrants also contribute to high crime rates. "Thirty percent of people incarcerated in jails and prisons are illegal aliens," he said. "That's a government figure."

In the Los Angeles Unified School District alone, Sheehy said, most children, more than 60 percent of whom drop out of high school, are illegal aliens or the sons and daughters of illegal aliens. "They're going to join gangs, they're going to have babies, they're going to go on welfare," he said. "This is a problem across the country ... The unemployment rate is far higher than we're being told."

Spreading the Word

It's only been available for five weeks, but Sheehy's book is sure to spark debate -- he's already getting invitations to speak across the state and the country.

In addition to appearances on talk shows from Los Angeles to Chicago and Jacksonville, Fla., he spoke to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Republican Assembly on Aug. 7 and the Costa Mesa Republican Assembly on Aug. 25. Sheehy plans to address the Murrieta-Temecula Republican Assembly tomorrow, and in October, he'll talk to crowds at BorderFest 2005 in Tucson, Ariz.

"A lot of people are waking up and are angry about this process," Sheehy said. "This is about big business wanting a never-ending supply of cheap labor. It's cheap for corporations."

According to Sheehy, the Bush administration wants to integrate the United States with Mexico and Canada. "This is a very serious crisis, and if we don't stop it, we're going to lose our nation. Citizenship will be meaningless," he said. "It's also about ending our sovereignty. It's about merging the United States with Mexico and Canada."

Sheehy said this "new world order" erases borders, increases corporate control and decreases individual rights. "If all this should come to pass, you can throw out the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights," he said. "That's what I see happening."

By the year 2050, Sheehy said, half a billion people will live in the United States. "We cannot sustain this massive importation of poverty and illiteracy. It'll erase the middle class," he said. "We're living in a very historic time in our nation."

This October, Sheehy expects 15,000 Minutemen to patrol U.S. borders. "Because of people like this sacrificing their time and their money, more and more people are waking up," he said. "It is important to stop this insanity before things get really bad, before we have blood on the streets."

For more information about "Fighting Immigration Anarchy" or to purchase a copy of the book, visit