Huckabee targeted by area anti-illegal immigration group

Voice of the People USA is on its way to Iowa to try to defeat Mike Huckabee in the GOP presidential primary.

Voice of the People is the group that has staged anti-illegal immigration rallies around the state. Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, has risen from fringe candidate to front-runner in that state’s caucuses, which will be held Jan. 3.

While not numerically important, the Iowa caucuses attract a lot of attention and can raise a candidate’s stature if he wins or places in the top tier.

Voice of the People President Dan Smeriglio said Huckabee’s position on immigration is bad for the country. While he has backed off it lately, Huckabee has in the past advocated blanket amnesty for anyone in the country illegally and has supported relaxed immigration enforcement.

“Huckabee is basically a liar and a fraud,â€