Fighting Back: Refusing to Hire Illegal Laborers

NewsChannel 19's Greg Privett reports

He's soft spoken. But, Daren Rollins, who owns Tennessee Valley Roofing and Construction, has a message that screams. The back of his truck reads, "We do not hire illegal aliens!".

Daren Rollins

What do people say when they see the message? "They just come by and give a thumbs up," Rollins told NewsChannel 19.

"I agree with it," Ruben Montiel told us. "I agree 100% with it." Montiel says the contractors who hire illegals should be punished. "I believe if they get caught they should get penalized."

Rollins complains his competitors have an unfair advantage when they hire the cheap illegal labor. "They can bid it a little lower because they pay out less," he said. "I mean it's harder to get jobs now. But, I still manage."

Hugh Holcomb disagrees with the anti-illegal sentiment. he's spent time on medical mission trips to Mexico. "The majority of them are just trying to better their families and make a better life for themselves that isn't available where they came from," Holcomb explained.

"It's just a lot of people out of work because of them," Rollins told us. He's worried illegal immigrants could eventually take food off his family's dinner table. So, Daren Rollins will roll with his message and continue his crusade. "We could all do something about it if we stopped using them."