Link to Washington Post article regarding law suits to stop DHS attempts at law enforcement:

Will this be another situation where immigration laws/rules will end up not being enforced?

"No match letters" and terminations sounds like a good idea to me. How about charging them with using a counterfeit Social Security card and making restitution to the individuals whose identity they stole. How would you like it if $30,000 or $40,000 got reported to the IRS as taxable income under your SSN?

Other idea: why not get a list of companies supporting this law suit and send ICE over to visit now? Most of the companies filing suit probably have 20 employees with the same SSN.

Is there any way for ALIPAC and its' members to influence the outcome of such lawsuits? Or, is it just a wait and see situation?

It would seem like some type of "Enforce Existing Laws" or "One Small Step for Enforcement" campaign outside the courthouse would not hurt.

Isn't San Francisco somewhat of a Sanctuary City? Is this a good place to have this case go to trial? How do we know the judge who will be hearing the case is here legally?

Can ALIPAC file suits to have existing laws enforced in favorable jurisdictions?

The outcome of the case will have a major impact on the enforcement of existing immigration laws. This is one of the few examples where there is an indication of DHS making some sort of effort to at least resolve problems with illegals who use fake Social Security Numbers.

It is the same old problem, laws on the books that are challenged or go un-enforced. Where did this whole thing of I don't like that law or regulation so I'm filing a law suit get started?

I have a good cause for legal action: doesn't the Consititution provide American citizens some level of protection from foreign invaders. I'm not feeling it. Or is that the 2nd Amendment where we have the right to protect ourselves?

Oh well ..... the Idiocracy moves forward