Shuck-and-jive campaign
by Barbara Simpson
Posted: September 24, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

This '08 presidential campaign is already t-o-o-o-o-o long!

By the time primaries begin, voters of both parties will be sick of the whole mess – the candidates and their issues and solutions.

I'm already fed up.

Now we have candidates' wives sniping at each other and defending their husbands!

A man who wants to lead the most powerful nation on earth allows his wife to fight for him?

On the other hand, since one of the candidates is a woman with a husband in the unique position of having been president, we have numb jokes about his being "first husband" and whose spouse is "prettier."

It's enough to turn off even casual voters and only appeals to generational tabloid instincts – in other words, voters who haven't a clue about issues, who love controversy and headlines and actually believe slick campaign slogans.

Be afraid. People like that can vote. And do!

If you ask why the media let them get away with it, you're not plugged into reality.

The media are part of the game – and to media, it is a game. Their goal is to fill hours and hours and hours of airtime and print space until Election Day. They'll grab any insignificant trivia, blow it out of proportion and beat that bit of "news" to death. They need daily headlines, real or created.

Remember, it's media – it's all show biz

Otherwise, you'd have media focusing on the real and vital issues we face – issues that will have incalculable effects on the country. If they covered those stories, candidates would be forced to deal with substance instead of pandering.

Candidates are selective and self-serving, and the media are generally their lapdogs. By their lack of aggressive reporting on critical issues, media allow politicians to run the show. They permit these potential presidents to take the easy way to perpetuate their goal to snooker voters to gain power.


Post 9/11, Americans face dramatic changes and dangers. We're at war with militant Islam and terrorism. It's a fact. Just ask our military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ask those who lost loved ones on 9/11.

Yet, our "leaders" are too multicultural and politically correct to clearly identify that enemy. We're constantly told, "Islam is a religion of peace" as though that excuses the millions of militant Muslims who espouse terrorism and jihad as their calling.

But that's only the beginning of the litany of issues vital for the next president and which candidates and media ignore.

Elected representatives insult the military and vote to undermine an authorized war by cutting funds and demanding arbitrary withdrawal.

Military personnel are put on trial for performing like soldiers in a war, fighting for victory and to preserve their own lives.

Attempts to identify and track terrorists and their funding are thwarted at every turn by these same elected politicians.

Legal intimidation by Muslim groups alleging discrimination leaves politicians shaking in their boots.

A full-court-press for an immigration bill giving amnesty to millions of illegals continues despite voter anger. Republicans and Democrats insult Americans who want the border tightened, illegals deported and don't want citizenship given to law-breakers.

Employers ignore the law and hire illegals.

Nationwide, jurisdictions declare themselves "sanctuary cities"' and above the law, giving away taxpayer dollars to illegals through school, housing, food, medical and other social services.

Illegals are issued driver's licenses and banks give them identity cards, as do Mexican consulates.

Mexican politicians insult our country and our politicians remain silent.

Attempts to require identification for voter registration are consistently denied.

Stealth government actions involve cross border agreements with Canada and Mexico, creating vast transit corridors through the U.S. to facilitate shipments of Chinese goods. These facilities will be built and operated by foreign firms.

Mainstream media ignore it, as do the candidates, virtually all politicians and the president, who ridicules concerned citizens.

American infrastructure is quietly being bought by foreign companies – bridges, toll roads, water companies and more.

Dubai is buying 20 percent of the U.S. NASDAQ stock exchange and 28 percent of the London Stock Exchange. It's invested in the Carlyle Group, an investment firm with close Bush family ties, and through it, has purchased two aviation repair companies: one American, one Canadian.

The dollar plunges, there are stock market concerns and Congress, ignoring deficits, continues spending, raising the budget to nearly $3 trillion.

The flood of foreclosures is evidence the housing "bubble" has burst. In real life, people bought houses they couldn't afford.

Bye bye house.

Instead of facing reality, Congress wants to bail them out; in the process, covering for lenders that allowed that fiscal irresponsibility.

Speaking of fiscal irresponsibility, where is attention to the impending insolvency of Social Security, Medicare and the costly prescription drug plan?

The average taxpayer doesn't have a chance.

The culture has coarsened yet attempts to maintain standards, whether based on law or morality, are thwarted at every turn and complicated by government, more and more, overruling parental responsibilities.

There's much more, but I'll stop.

Have you heard any good questions on these issues during "debates?"

Have the candidates directly discussed them?

All we hear are generalities – and proposals of more, and massive, government give-away programs to win votes.

It's pie in the sky – shuck and jive.

Sept. 11 changed our lives permanently. We need the truth and leaders with the courage to face it and speak it.

Power without wisdom is a killer – of people and countries. ... E_ID=57789