Letter: Speak up against federal amnesty bill

Chico Enterprise-Record (California)
October 15, 2009 Thursday

The new amnesty bill for illegals, working its way through Congress includes the following, according to a report from CNN:

Amnesty for absconders, those illegal aliens ordered deported.

Illegals do not have to learn English to apply for citizenship.

Illegals do not have to pay back taxes.

Illegals obtain legal status one day after applying, without a background check being completed.

Taxpayers will be paying for the attorneys for illegals.

Amnesty given to illegal alien gang members.

U.S. taxpayers will be helping Mexico provide incentives (i.e. education, housing, etc.) for illegals to stay in their own country.

Taxpayers will be paying the tuition of illegals in colleges and universities.

Tax credits will be given to illegals, even though they haven't been paying taxes.

The list goes on; these are the highlights.

Write your Congress members and senators and let them know how you feel.

Sally Wallace, Chico

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