I recently notified everyone that there is a new bill coming out on immigration reform (not amnesty) and now it appears to be getting the attention of the news media. Apparently the author has been contacted by a couple of big league journalist and this is expected to be a bigger story than we know. There may be a major announcement about this bill idea when the Congress comes back in session.

Anyway, if you are not yet familiar with it, I suggest you go read about it and send the link to everybody so they know what's going on. It looks like our dreams might be coming true--the final end of illegal immigration!

I can't wait to see the Repubs shake things up!!!

Me and about 20 of my friends read the bill (just 2 pages, can you believe it) and even my liberal a**hole buddy said he would not be against it. We all thought it was very humane and family friendly but still respected rule of law so it has a unanimous vote from all of us. That shocked the heck out of me because we never agree on anything... seriously...

News Link:
Illegal Immigration Solved: Are Republicans Hiding Facts?

(Sorry, I don't want to copy the article here and violate copyrright law or the author. I'm not that unethical, and besides, I think he might be my hero now!) Cross your fingers, we might be about to win this thing!!!