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Jesse Jackson forming group to help blacks, Hispanics

The Associated Press
May 20, 2005

On the heels of a meeting with Mexican President Vicente Fox over his comments about American blacks, the Reverend Jesse Jackson announced he is forming a group that will address issues affecting blacks and Hispanics.

Speaking yesterday at the Martin Luther King Junior National Historic Site in Atlanta, Jackson said its important that Fox's comments not become something that divides the two communities.

Fox angered many black leaders with his comments about blacks during a speech about U.S. immigration last week when he said Mexicans come to America and take jobs -- quote -- "not even blacks want to do there."

Jackson, along with Ann Marie Tallman of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said they were forming a human rights council that would focus on issues such as fair immigration policies, voting rights and a balanced trade policy.

Jackson says blacks and Mexicans are both victims of U.S. policies that allow illegal immigrants to take jobs from poor minorities.

Jackson cannot get in the middle of immigration issues, if he is going to take up both sides, black and Mexicans. He owes it to the black Americans who are being displaced by illegal Mexicans. I just knew he would make a mess of things.