Fox 4 viewers jam ICE phones, demanding answers in the Widman case

Why did Immigration and Customs Enforcement let Abel Arango go? If he'd been deported as ordered, or failing that, had been rigorously tracked after release, Officer Andrew Widman might be alive today. The system failed to protect him, or us. What went wrong? What have we learned? Did ICE do everything it was supposed to do? What tools or laws does it need to do a better job? What insight can ICE managers give us on what needs to happen next, if anything, to fix this? As we've reported, not only is ICE unwilling to go on camera to discuss these questions, yesterday its regional spokeswoman, Barbara Gonzalez of Miami, expressed outrage that we're daring to ask. We pointed out to our viewers last night and this morning that, supposedly, we live in a democracy, and we suggested that if these public servants won't talk to us, maybe they'll talk to you. We gave you some contact information for Special Agent Anthony Mangione, the person we were told was Gonzalez' superior, and suggested that if you have an opinion about whether ICE should step up and address these issues for you, to give them a call.

Boy, did you.

Last night, ICE called us to beg for mercy, complaining that your calls were jamming their switchboards. Indeed, we had pointed out that the phone number was good for regular business hours only, but many of you were so worked up about ICE's response that you couldn't wait. We heard from ICE again this morning. Washington-based ICE Press Secretary Kelly Nantel called to say that while Mangione was one of Gonzalez' superiors, he wasn't the right one, and that in any case, we should be directing viewer calls to the office of Public Affairs, not to the local decision makers. We explained that we were looking to put viewers in contact with someone in actual authority (not with a press office whose job it is to deflect those calls from the people who make the decisions). In that pursuit, we have good news, and bad news.

The good news is, Nantel gave us new contact information for a manager she assures us is in authority for investigations in our region. That person is:

Michael Rozos
Special Agent in Charge of Investigations

But here's the bad news. He's not going to talk to you. Nantel says Rozos will automatically forward all calls and e-mails from the public to her, the press secretary, for handling. And she adds, no matter how many people call, ICE has provided all the information it intends to provide and is not giving interviews to us or anyone else on this matter. Period. We went so far as to point out that this is no minor story -- a grieving community is burying a police officer today who need not have died. She said she understands that -- but no interviews.

Still, rest assured, your overwhelming response has been heard all the way to Washington. The more calls and e-mails the bureaucrats continue to get, the greater the likelihood that someone will have the courage, and the decency, to step up, embrace the democratic process, and explain themselves to you face to face.

Out of respect for Officer Widman and this family -- this, after all, should be their day -- Fox 4 is not pursuing any additional Arango stories today. Our coverage will focus solely on today's memorials. But we'll continue asking these questions in the days ahead.