Fox in the American Henhouse, and the Second Mexican Revolution
Thor H. Asgardson
October 14, 2007

Vicente Fox has recently come under criticism within his own country, for the ostentatious display of his wealth, in the form of featuring his grand estancia during an interview. His rancho defies by its sheer opulent display, the egalitarian philosophy he promulgates for public digestion. In a nation which is 95% Mestizo; Fox comes off looking like a modern-day version of a conquistador or Spanish don, in this class-conscious country.

Fox is on yet another barnstorming session around the United States, to promote his new autobiography, "Revolution of Hope."

Fox left political office in December, six years after his election ended seven decades of one-party rule in Mexico. The book, was written with the help of Texas political consultant Rob Allyn and scheduled for release by Viking on Oct. 8. It is likely to unsettle Mexican protocols, which require former leaders to quietly fade away, and not call attention to themselves, nor provide a spectacle for ridicule--as Fox often does.

The book chides the Bush Administration for "unilateralism," and not getting "permission" from the United Nations to launch an invasion against Iraq.

In launching the Iraq war without U.N. authorization, he wrote, "the United States set itself up as the world's judge, jury, and policeman."

Funny; I thought we were exercising superpower status, by "never having to say you're sorry."

His new "public relations" campaign--in a country(USA) which despises him-- will not go as he might like, for it is far easier for Fox to play the celebrity game here, than to go back home to face the charges that most of his wealth has come from economic advances he made during his six year tenure as president of Mexico. In short, he is increasingly being perceived back home as a privateer, who looted the Mexican nation's wealth.

Perhaps the most telling indicator of how the Bush amnesty agenda has destroyed the United States of America, , is the following absurd quote from Fox's new book: Bush sees Mexican immigrants and U.S. citizens as "human beings of equal worth in the eyes of God," according to an advance copy of the English-language book. This "level playing field," which places the American citizen in the same league as a Mexican peon, is all part of the master plan to make America dumber by demography, as the average Mexican peasant possesses only a seventh grade education.

Yes, we know Jesus loves us, but let's get real here!

They're not equal at all! One is a host culture, duped by political correctness--and expected to pay for Mexican welfare and social security-- the other, is a parasitic invader which has come to supplant the native population and culture, and annex American territory for Mexico. We are at war, and they are an inferior power.

The president of the United States, cannot differentiate between the two peoples, because his allegiance lies with the New World Order. That is why he rewards Mexican criminals, and jails U.S. Border Patrol agents.

Whether Mexican reconquista is accomplished by a dual citizenship strategy, or the United States is handed over to the international bankers on a gold platter, called "North American Union;" it matters not. The result is the same; loss of America. It is a pincer movement of Third World invasion, and hostile corporate takeover of our government, to be sure.

Fox's blames the controversy regarding his incredible wealth, on his detractors, whom he charges with expecting him to go quietly into retirement. He would far prefer to comport himself as an American politician or celebrity--always as a meddling Mexican, of course-- rather than retire quietly, as did his predecessors Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, and Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

Fox has the unmitigated gall to actually lecture Americans about what he will or will not allow us to do as a sovereign nation. He takes his Mexican guestworker piglets, and dresses them in tiger skin, then places them at the tiger's teat, and admonishes us to adopt them.

Mexico has always used America as a safety valve, to postpone the Second Mexican Revolution, and now it's over. The American people are awake, and we are aware of the corruption and strategy of illegal alien invasion, which has enabled the game in Mexico City to keep afloat. It is predicated on the already broken back of the American taxpayer.

Gortari faced widespread criticism in Mexico, as he was blamed by the majority of the population, for the collapse of the economy, and the method of his privatization of several government-run businesses. Those buiness dealings were for the benefit of a few friends, and not the Mexican nation. In addition, he was blamed for allowing corruption to flourish; cronyism, and drug dealing associations at the highest levels of government.

Gortari presided over the collapse of the Mexican economy, when that nation suffered the devaluation of the peso. Gortaris's response was to blame Zedillo's inept handling of the situation, coining the term "December Mistake" to refer to the crisis and Zedillo's mistakes.

He urged Zedillo to share the burden of the devaluation of the peso, by allowing a certain percent of decline during his tenure, and the balance of the devaluation to be shared, would have been done during the Zedillo administration.

The December Mistake was the cause of so much public outrage, that Salinas did not dare return to Mexico. He was in the process of initiating a global campaign for a post as WTO head, at the time of the controversy. The incident also served to illustrate his lack of influence over the Zedillo administration.

Gortari's corruption forced him into exile, as he was blamed for ignoring the economic problems of his administration, and as a consequence; he moved to Dublin Ireland.

Fox now faces the same criticism of his predecessors at home, as the Mexican public has become increasingly aware of the shortcomings of the ruling elite. That is why the former Mexican president is on his current public relations media blitz in the United States. His self-promotion is a vainglorious attempt to deflect attention away from his own corruption, in the eyes of the Mexican people, and to paint himself as a great statesman, who is winning concessions of American territory for Mexico, and influencing the American political process.

What else does it mean when numerous Mexican presidential administrations assert that Mexican territory extends beyond Mexico's borders? What else can it mean when the Mexican challenge goes unanswered--as with the Bush Administration's deliberate failure--and treason-- to protect the United States from foreign invasion?

Fox would have his people believe that he is their champion, who represents "their rights" to carve out and annex a major portion of the American nation, beyond that which was lost in the First Mexican War. This agenda of the invaders, even goes as far as depicting the Mexican invasion of America, as a "civil rights" cause. The Mexican mimicry here--as promoted by the highest levels of the Mexican government--is transparent for all American minorities to see, as they are the ones losing their hard-won American Dream and civil rights advancements, to Mexican invaders, who have broken into, and occupied our country, during a time of world war.

The Mexican incursion is to be seen in the same light as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, for it comes as an invasion of desperate humanity, followed by the steam roller of the international bankers, who want to carve up the old neighborhood into a new and "improved" subdivision called the North American Union. "One nation, under the Amero, with slavery and malice for all--and amnesty with massive animosity." They will install a mestizo peasant base over the native Anglo-Saxon and black population, which will be expected to support them, and thus a rapid dumbing-down of America will occur, by the massive importation of this Third World peasant breeding program.

When the new " Americans" are fully educated into the higher stupidity of this politically correct dissolution of our nation into world government; the Council on Foreign Relations can come out of the shadows, to rule over a once free people. Like any captive, the American people will be led yoked together, up the steps of the Ministry of Truth, to be sacrificied to the sun god of one world government. The reconquista agenda, is a perfect ruse for these corrupt Mexican politicians, for it deflects attention away from their own robber baronial status over the Mexican people.

According to an excellent article of February 18, 2007, titled: "The Rise and Fall of a Great Mexican Newspaper," written by Michael Werbowski in Prague, Czech Republic; Fox may be implicated in the destruction of Mexico's finest newspaper, "El Excelsior."

The paper was once known as "Le Monde of Mexico," by distinguishing itself through its editorial excellence, and as a result, fell out of favor with the authorities.

According to the article; "...on a mid-November day in 2006, a cleaning lady found the bloodied, lifeless corpse of journalist Jose Manuel Nava, in his Mexico City flat, located on Warsaw Street, the the Juarez district of the capital. He died according to police reports, from a savage knife attack from an unknown assailant. This occured a week after he published a book very critical of the outgoing president, Vicente Fox, and some members of Mexico's business elite.

The mysterious murder of the journalist and its unclear motive ended another chapter in the long, glorious, and at times sordid saga of what, historically speaking, was one of Mexico's most famed newspapers: El Excelsior. The newspaper's downfall and that of Nava seem in retrospect inextricably linked. Both the man and the newspaper were considered to be institutions in the country and, in a way, shared a common fate."

According to an October 9, 2007 article in the Los Angles Times, written by Hector Tobar; the issue of Fox's wealth, "exploded into the public discourse last month, after the magazine Quien published a glossy spread of Fox and his wife, Martha Sahagun, at San Cristobal, the couple's ranch in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato."

The article featured all the amenities of the ruling class in Mexico, and was seen as a "cynical" display of wealth, in a nation where half the population lives in abject poverty. There were even calls in Congress for an investigation of Fox's finances. No wonder he is up here now, trying to draw attention away from his obscene wealth.

"' This is just the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt practices that will surely come to public light,' said Antonio Ortega, a legislator with the leftist Democratic Revolution Party."

Fox broke a major taboo, by showing off his wealth to the Mexican media--like an American president--in a country which is so hard-pressed for basic necessities of life. He--like Bush-- is apparently spending his "political capital," in the belief that the impending marrigae between Mexico and the United States--planned in secret, behind closed doors-- will ensure his immortality and greatness in the eyes of his people. He imagines a de facto "mission accomplished" of the merger between his country and ours--the ultimate "reconquista," through shotgun marriage!

Fox proved his incompetence and arrogance, and now the Mexican press corps is going after him with a vengeance. Few people can ever recall this type of macho display of opulence, in a land which has never broken free of feudalism and caste distinctions.

In a significant development; Mexico's high auditor has announced that he will examine Fox's presidential expenses. Perhaps this may be the opening salvo in the Second Mexican Revolution. Perhaps it is time for Mexican interlopers in this country, to go home and "build" their own nation, and write their own national anthem of destiny as a free people.

It is time for a second Mexican revolution.

They come to America as extortionists and colonizers, all the while the corrupt Mexican system of government remains exempt from retribution by the Mexican people.

Far easier to use America as a safety valve and dumping ground, than initiate true reform of the corrupt Mexican government.

The investigative magazine, Proceso, hired a helicopter to fly over and photograph Fox's rancho, describing it, and other properties of the former president as a "fiefdom." Perhaps that magazine will be next on Fox's hit list.

Fox's expansionist aims and supranational agenda, have become all too clear to the American people, who would just as soon put him before a firing squad, for actively pursuing the invasion of our country.

" In recent years a new International System has been developing, oriented toward the establishment of norms and principles of universal jurisdiction, above national sovereignty, in the areas of what is called the New Agenda...we have to confront ..... what I dare to call the Anglo-Saxon prejudice against the establishment of supra-national organizations."

---- Vicente Fox to Club XXI, Hotel Eurobuilding, Madrid, Spain, 5/16/02

Supra-national Indeed!

This is how the guest worker population explosion serves the hostile corporate takeover of America:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.

It would have been impossible for us to develope OUR PLAN for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual ELITE and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national auto - determination practiced in past centuries."

- David Rockefeller ---- Humanist, CFR Kingpin, Founder of the Trilateral Commision, NWO Godfather -- June 1991 -Baden Germany- Bilderberg Conference

Fox has already appeared at New York University, and Cal Tech in Pasadena, as part of his book tour, to win hearts and minds for the Mexican invasion of America.

He claims the central theme of his book is an alleged "democracy" as his legacy to the Mexican people. He paints himself as a tireless crusader--"in the long fight"-- on behalf of the common Mestizo.

Fox was asked if he might consider living abroad--after he had already stated that he would never leave his beloved ranch--in the face of repeated questioning of his finances. Whereupon Fox grew indignant at the very idea.

Mexico is not where every Mexican happens to be as a squatter, "colonizer" and illegal interloper. Mexico is the future of a free people, who have come home at last, to begin building their own nation by a second revolution. That will be the "Revolution of Hope" for Mexico, for they have clearly lost this Second Mexican War. ... leID=40228