Dear Senator Nelson,

RE: Cap and Trade
Failure of Starvation Plan
Gods of the Congress

I am familiar with the following plans to tax breathing.


Each of the above plans has ignored a major factor. There is no physical process for the elimination of air. Breathing will be unaffordable for millions and therefore an extermination process should be in place. Each plan declared Government ownership of air. Each plan specified Government’s right to select a few Citizens who could breathe free.

There are historical precedents. Pol Pot contaminated the Mekong River. Hitler was more efficient and tidy. Total control of health care could be an option.

The government plan to eliminate the masses by starvation has not been successful. Jobs are given to visa holders and invaders. Annoying Citizens have managed to survive with a severe reduction in food. The removal of air would correct this situation. I do understand the necessity of exterminating Citizens. Imported and invading cheap labor needs the space, water and air.

I cannot find the legislation that appointed Gods of the Congress. What is the name and number of that bill? This Congressional action was absolutely brilliant. Gods have no limits or explanations. I also have been unable to locate the legislation that shredded the USA Constitution. Good riddance to that silly piece of paper that limited Government power.

A minor issue also needs to be addressed. The poem on the Statue of Liberty should be removed or rewritten. “ ----breathe freeâ€