CNN Whitewashes A
Dirty Border Problem
By Ted Tietmeyer

The CNN Mexico border article leaves much more to be said about one of America,s most serious problems. The Controlled News Network is doing their usual white-wash job on the matter, never fully exposing a problem for what it is. It,s almost miraculous that this story was made public. Their coverage is equivalent to tossing a dog (aka the public) a bone to shut them up. The CNN article is about a state of emergency declared by the governor in New Mexico, and his concerns about problems there.

Here is part of the statement made by Richardson who is the FIRST SPANISH GOVERNOR OF NEW MEXICO to CNN, about declaring a state of emergency:

"My people on my side asked me to take this step, and I've done so reluctantly." Richardson told CNN. "As governor, I have to protect the people I represent."

Real translation? - I want to be re-elected. Clearly his sentiments are with helping illegals enter the country. For what other reason would he be "reluctant? What governor in his right mind and worth his salt, would wait this long to act?

Richardson should have declared the emergency more than 10 years ago. But now he probably sees his tax base and future re-election threatened. People are leaving the state and emergency rooms have closed. When the flood of illegals into New Mexico threatens economic solvency, then of course it becomes a matter which grabs attention.

Richardson,s actions are too little, too late. And he surely knows that. Yet we are told by Bush via the controlled media that "all is well," even though nothing is further from the truth. After all, it is the traitor Karl Rove who publicly boasted "we create what reality is.

We have been told how Homeland Security has been increasing forces on the border after a recent executive order signed by Bush. Yet nothing tangible has been done, and it won,t be. It,s just another act of theater, calculated not to irritate Vicente Fox.


A border patrol agent (from the INS) was interviewed on a Genesis Radio Network show several months ago, and he described his "illustrious career at the agency as follows:

[Excerpt from radio interview]

... I joined the patrol many years ago; because I felt I could make a difference. After training, I was assigned to the Mexico border. How wrong I was. Shortly after starting there, I learned the insane truth about it. There are Mexicans, and "other than Mexicans" we call OTMs. The Mexicans know that if they get caught all that happens is that they are deported.

However, the OTMs are different. These come from Columbia, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. When they cross the border, if you catch one you will have 2 hours of paperwork. Then, they are given an appearance ticket for a court hearing and released into America's population. They don't show up for court, because they know they'll lose the case. So what happens now, is if you see an OTM coming toward you out in the brush, you run the other way. So that these people won't have to walk through miles and miles of desert, they carry cell phones and call 911. The sheriff shows up and arrests them. They he turns them over to us and we do the paperwork, and release them anyway. That,s the game that,s played....


So much for justice and protecting America - or the lack of it.

We now have CAFTA signed into law, driving yet another nail into America's economic coffin. This will accomplish nothing to help the economic revitalization of America. Think life is hard at the pump now? Just wait. It will continue its climb to more than $6.00 a gallon. About two years ago Bob Chapman, a highly respected investment expert with military ties, publicly stated on the radio that oil would reach up to $100.00 a gallon. He also spoke about the enslavement of America as I have many times.

Let's not forget the Trans-Texas-Corridor. According to Alex Jones who lives just a few miles from it in Austin Texas, this is a 10 lane highway that runs right down to the Mexican border already under construction. It has two rail lines, and also a 200ft. corridor for pipelines. Forget desert Mexican crossings. They will be coming across the border 24 hours/day, in the thousands per hour. This is the end of America,s sovereignty. Will the destruction of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, along with the Washington monument be far behind? Social engineers will NOT want anything to remind people of what REAL freedom is.


People laughed at me and many others, when told about Northcom,s plan for world domination. Some of these people are not laughing now, and others are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, that light is on the front of a freight train - a run-away train operated by the globalists to turn everyone's life in America and other parts of the world, into a living hell. These megalomaniacs plan to tear down both northern and southern borders and instantly make the continent part of the Pentagon,s Northcom Command. The Canadians are not thrilled about this either. Any Canadian enjoys freedom just like Americans do. Now Toronto is sudddenly having gun-related crimes, and their press is playing it as far as they can. Gun control in Canada is just a matter of time.

What lessons should we have learned from tearing down the Berlin wall down 15 years ago? East Germany was known for 50 years behind the curtain as an oppressive rat-hole. Freedoms of every kind were thoroughly suppressed by the Stasi,s police. And like America today, they too had a snitch network. The East Germans were thrilled to climb over the ruins of the wall and the West German economy has yet to fully recover from the mass exodus. Their economy was deluged by eastern block refugees with no real job skills, experience with little or no real education. These people displaced many skilled West German workers because they would work for less money. Welfare rolls exploded, and the entire German economy suffered greatly under the strain from the fall of the wall. And it still does.

For all those liberals that think a "no borders world is wonderful - they should be thinking about the post-war Germany and how negatively it will impact THEM. The economic damage from illegal cheap labor and exporting of jobs to China, are now taking its toll on the American economy. The liberty thieves that occupy Capitol Hill will most likely LOWER the minimum wage by changing the current laws, not raise it. Many readers might recall how many years ago labor laws were changed dramatically. Now part-time workers are no longer assured of any benefits. Not even health care or unemployment. These laws were changed as a result of lobbyists and special interest groups, and are just the beginning. Only businesses benefited from this degradation of labor law.

There will be a percentage of Mexicans who will actually want to work, that will flood the market. The remainder of them will flood the welfare roles. The wealthy Mexicans won,t come to America using these means. They will already be here. Or, illegals will enlist in the military to become instant American citizens. When American troops patrol American streets (if any troops are still here,) former illegals will be holding the guns pointed at American citizens. Today, twenty percent of the military consists of illegal aliens according to the pentagon. An uncontrolled flood of illegals will result in record numbers of all Americans that will quickly become unemployed by the MILLIONS, not thousands. Dismantling the borders will completely destroy what,s left of the American economy. Canadian citizens have been brainwashed for years by their media to think like globalists. CBC is quite adept at this form of psychological warfare.


Most actions taking place in government is part of the black science of "social engineering." When you remodel a building, you must first strip out all the old building materials. Then you begin the actual construction work. The process is much the same for social engineering. Think America will become a better country? It will but only if you like chip implants, being tracked like cattle on a farm, PERMANENT military checkpoints and a cashless society to watch your every move. No matter where you are on earth. And running it all will be a stifling, paranoid police state. Thought crime police that some think of as science fiction, will become a reality (as portrayed in "Minority Report).

Loss of freedom and sovereignty brings great mental and physical hardship. And the mindless and spiritually dark yuppies and mainstream news believers? They won't care. These people will continue to ignore what they perceive as just a "temporary" problem. There,s nothing more convincing than an ugly fact, shoved right in your face and down your throat. It is one thing for a dictatorial regime to be taken over by another such regime. The royal plasterers fix the bullet holes. The carpet people come in and replace blood-soaked carpets and life goes on as usual.

Consider that America now has almost 300 million people, which have known nothing but freedom (as compared to dictatorial countries) for their entire lives. A certain percentage of those who come from dictatorial regimes (such as non-Mexicans) won't be bothered by this loss of freedom. They already know the US government caters to them now, and believe life here will still be better than the armpit country they came from. After all they swallowed the lies about streets paved with gold in America back in the country they came from. For a time, the government will cater to them but not for long. Soon they too, will be no better off than anyone else. Why? Because social engineering requires that everyone live equally in squalor, and no one owns any thing or any property. In reality, it,s just another form of communism.

There are some early signs that down the road China will move from a dictatorship to a form of democracy. Watch their English speaking channel CCTV9 and see the China of today. You won,t see villagers with straw hats hauling water. Their cities are comparable in modern conveniences to those in America. The number of cars and trucks on China,s roads are growing at an astounding rate. And the United States will move from democracy (such as it is now) to a dictatorship.

However, a large percentage of the 300 million Americans will be seriously devastated mentally and economically by the complete and permanent loss of freedom. The permanent patriot act we have now takes these terrible ideas from a theoretical possibility to the realm of reality. What if we are somehow we are not taken over by the military, and democracy on Capitol Hill continues? There will only be a remote chance that after several years some parts of the act will be repealed. (Emphasis on the phrase "a remote chance.")

We are seeing mental illness increasing, and a rise in both faked and real suicides. Forced drugging and psychological testing of EVERYONE will take eventually place as the government switches to full paranoid mode. The freest country in the world will have made the transition to become the world's worst slave and police state. Everyone on Capitol Hill bears the blame and shame of this. This is that "new freedom" we've been told about.

Remember Hitler? He did not take control of Germany using force. Instead, he used laws that were enacted already. Sound familiar? Already laws are on the books that will allow the fake president to become another Hitler. These have also been created by the traitorous scum on Capitol Hill. It isn,t just the fake president who is to blame he,s signing Constitution defying laws created by the other traitors. And using illegal "executive acts. Executive Acts were created by Congress as a way for the president to declare legal holidays. Not a way to declare martial law in secret and as a means to enforce it.

Having or writing articles like this will be forbidden. That's an absolute guarantee and promise. It will be labeled as "seditious material." The only way to remove anything you've read from your computer is to use programs like a software shredder, AND delete pesky auto-archive files that Windows has. Or just reformat the drive. Several times.

And to think all this came about, simply because people whined when asked to fight it, "Oh, I don't have time to get involved." Or, "My elected representative will take care of me. That's why I voted for them and why they are in office."

If the American people don,t immediately start standing up for their freedoms and sovereignty no one else on earth will. It,s time for American citizens to make their patriotism known.

Ted Twietmeyer