Forum comes under fire by activist King
by Jon Gillooly The Marietta Daily Journal
March 08, 2011 12:00 AM

AUSTELL - State Rep. Alisha Thomas Morgan (D-Austell) is co-sponsoring an education forum this weekend that has come under fire from anti-illegal immigration activist D.A. King.

Morgan says the Saturday forum at Midtown's Inman Middle School is meant to educate the community on such education issues as the federal Race to the Top grant and the common standards Georgia is rolling out over the next few years.

Some of the organizations Morgan is hosting the event with has King upset. Sponsoring the event with Morgan is The Campaign for High School Equity, which describes itself as a coalition of civil rights organizations representing "communities of color" that is focused on high school education reform. The group was formed, according to its website, to address "the unequal American public education system, which does not provide high-quality education to students of color and youth from low-income neighborhoods."

Members include The National Council of La Raza, NAACP, the National Urban League and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, among others.

Morgan said since Georgia has joined with most other states in rolling out a common K-12 core curriculum, such national groups as NAACP and MALDEF have joined to help educate the community on that rollout.

But King says groups such as MALDEF are part of the open borders lobby.

"The possibility that MALDEF, a widely recognized Latino separatist group, would be in a public school in Georgia is shameful," King said. "I wonder what she's going to do next? Bring in the New Black Panthers? MALDEF was founded by a man who said, 'Hispanics were going to take over California, and anyone who didn't like it ought to leave. They ought to go back to Europe.' MALDEF is an open-borders, anti-English organization masquerading as a civil rights group funded by the Ford Foundation."

Morgan said she's never heard MALDEF promote the idea of open borders.

"I'm happy to work with them," Morgan said. "I think they are an important group for the Mexican American community. They're a civil rights organization and they care a lot about education and making sure we have Common Core Standards in our state and for that reason I am proud to work with them."

As for King, Morgan said, "D.A. King is D.A. King. I'll leave him to race baiting and I'll focus on issues that matter like education."

The event begins at 10 a.m. Saturday at the school, located at 774 Virginia Ave NE in Atlanta.
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