Promote the 'perfect' candidate
No skeletons in closet, no history to investigate

Posted: March 24, 2008
9:57 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Are you frustrated with the political choices developing in the 2008 presidential race? Don't see anyone you believe would do what needs to be done? Now you can campaign for your candidate, with the newest of's bumper stickers.

The WND "None of the Above" bumper sticker "has provided a way for you to show your choice … and let the rest of America Know that 'None of the Above' is better than 'Any One of the Above.'"

The magnetic, removable bumper sticker measures 15 inches by almost four inches, and is perfect not only for your car, but also for your refrigerator, file cabinet – or anything metal where you want to make a statement.

The new slogan exclusively from WND is just one of the ways you can cut through the noise of this political season, too.

WND's online store,, is the place to go for unusually clever magnetized bumper stickers that last and never deface surfaces to which they are applied.

Here are some additional popular new offerings:

* "Defeat Osama, Obama and Chelsea's Mama"

* "In God We Trust"

* "I'm Pro-Choice on Lightbulbs"

* "My child is an honor roll student … at home"

* And the ever-popular "I Love America"

There are seasonal choices, too. Just think how much fun you will have changing your bumper stickers as often as you like to fit your mood.

So cut through all the noise out there and express yourself. There are special bulk-rate prices, too.

Take a look at all the choices available at's bumper sticker galleria. ... geId=59810