Mike Gallagher was not too pleased about Pizza Patron's acceptance of the peso at their pizza places. He said he would show his respect for the hispanic community, like Patron. His approach is different, however. He said he would broadcast his show from across the street of a Pizza Patron wearing a sombrero and pancho, along with a mariachi band and a donkey.
One caller, from Latin America, did call to set him straight on the donkey/sombrero issue. She pointed out that those are mainly Mexican symbols, and that Pizza Patron seems to be attractin Mexicans and not all Hispanics.
Another caller said he went in to order a pizza and the clerk spoke to him in Spanish. She spoke perfect English, and he looked nothing like a hispanic. Another caller was trying for a position in the Houston area. They had a good phone interview. Management travelled to Houston to visit the candidate. He said the face-to-face lasted for 5 minutes, when they realized he was the wrong skin color. By the way, the candidate was bilingual.
I think instead of the title "Pizza Patron", it should be "Pizza Racista". That even rhymes better.