'Gettysburg' filmmaker to take critical look at immigration

By the Associated Press
September 17, 2007
http://www.dailypress.com:80/news/local ... 7674.story

HARRISONBURG, VA. - Director Ron Maxwell, whose films include the Civil War epics "Gettysburg" and "Gods and Generals," says his next project will be a documentary on illegal immigration.

The documentary, he said, grew out of his growing awareness of illegal immigration as he traveled between Los Angeles and the New York City area, where he grew up in an ethnic neighborhood.

"Immigration is totally out of control and our infrastructure is totally overwhelmed," Maxwell said in an interview with the Daily News Record of Harrisonburg.

Maxwell said corporate and political leaders have no interest in dealing with illegal immigration.

"They are taking America to the New World order, which will have no borders," Maxwell said.

He favors cracking down on illegal immigration by enforcing current laws, and through large penalties for bit businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Maxwell, who lives in Flint Hill in northern Virginia, said the film is set for release in December.

Businessman Walter Curt, who contributes to conservative causes and candidates, provided $100,000 to help finance the film.