Giffords pushes for new Nogales border fence

Apr. 13, 2010 10:11 AM
Associated Press .

NOGALES, Ariz. - Nogales is not in the congressional district of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Nevertheless, the congresswoman is seeking $3 million in federal funds to replace a downtown Nogales border fence.

In filing her request with the House Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Giffords cited security risks posed by the landing-mat fence, which has stood in downtown Nogales since the early 1990s.

Giffords' wants a "more sophisticated" border structure.

Grijalva represents Nogales in Congress. He called Giffords' request a political response that sounds like overkill and wishes Giffords had consulted with him before making the request.

Grijalva told the Nogales International he wondered why Giffords hadn't made a similar request to replace existing fencing in downtown Douglas, which lies within her own congressional district. ... gales.html