Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska once again will wade into the political minefield of immigration reform, planning to introduce legislation that would allow immigrants here illegally to work their way to legal status.

The plan Hagel is expected to introduce Tuesday also will include stronger controls at the border to stem the flow of undocumented workers into the United States.

Sen. Chuck Hagel

The Republican said Saturday there are about 10 million illegal immigrants here now who are an integral part of the nation's economy. Any immigration proposal must recognize and provide a way for them to earn legal status.

"Most illegal immigrants are here for the same reasons our grandparents came to this country, to improve their families' future," he said. "Most of them are good people, but the fact is they are here illegally. We have to deal with that."

Hagel held meetings in Omaha to discuss immigration in advance of unveiling his proposal.

On Friday he met with federal, state and local law enforcement officials. On Saturday he met with immigrant advocates in south Omaha, a traditional landing place for undocumented workers.

Hagel said the outline of his plan was well-received in both meetings.

Overall, Hagel said, the plan will be similar to the bill he introduced with then-U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., in the last Congress.

But it will include some new details, including additional resources for border security.

He said he also will introduce the plan in three different bills. He said his previous experience in taking on controversial and complex issues, including climate change, has shown that breaking the plan into pieces would make it easier to pass.