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Going To Hell In ACLU Handbasket
by Bob on 10-30-05 @ 9:24 am Filed under Uncategorized, News
Los Angeles Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa is the former Vice President of the Southern California ACLU. Last week he nominated Ramona Ripston, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.

Here’s an excerpt from his letter to the city council.

“I certify that in my opinion Ms. Ripston is especially qualified by reason of training and experience for the work which shall devolve upon her, and that I make the appointment solely in the interest of the City.�

If this guy was Pinocchio he’d be blowing his nose in New Jersey.

Am I missing something here or isn’t there a conflict of interest since the ACLU has litigation pending against the city seeking to prevent police from arresting people who sleep on the streets at night.

Villaraigosa doesn’t seem to allow matters of ethics and integrity to hinder him. He was the former chairman of the UCLA chapter of MECha and has steadfastly refused to repudiate them. He is more concerned with the “rights� of illegals then he is with the “rights� of American citizens.

Ripston is more of the same. When Muslims immigrants were arrested in California because they had violated immigration laws, overstayed their visas, or were wanted for crimes, she compared it to the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II. There’s that twisted liberal thinking running amok again.

Let’s talk about ethics and integrity once more. Remember when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional because of the words “under God�? Well, one of the first judges who ruled that way was Stephen Reinhardt. He should have recused himself from the case because he was married to an official with the American Civil Liberties Union and we all know their view on God. Guess who the spouse was? Survey says, Ramona Ripston number one answer. And when Villaraigosa was sworn into office as mayor of Los Angeles who did he pick to administer the oath? Why, Stephen Reinhardt of course. Are we beginning to see a pattern yet?

Los Angeles is reaping what it has sown. Another mayoral appointee to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Douglas Mirell, was a plaintiff’s attorney along with the ACLU in a 2000 case in which a federal judge limited the stopping of homeless people without probable cause by Los Angeles police.

The ACLU, its members and former members obviously do not think the rules of ethics, morality and fairness apply to them. Watch carefully what happens to Los Angeles, it won’t be a pretty sight. Prevent it from happening in your town. Visit Stop the ACLU.