Proposed ordinance aims to slow illegal immigration

Aug 4, 2006 07:11 PM

One valley town is tired of the influx of illegal immigrants and wants something done about it.

Boaz Mayor Tim Walker is proposing an ordinance that would make it harder for illegals to live and work in Boaz.

"It has been ridiculous how they've, I mean, just come in," said Boaz resident Veda Wynn.

Walker says it's a problem that's only getting worse.

"People are people. And no matter where they're from, they need to be legal," said Walker.

He's proposing an ordinance that would deny business permits and licenses to industries that hire illegal immigrants.

Meaning, if they did, they wouldn't be welcome to do business in Boaz.

The ordinance would also go after people who rent housing to illegals and would make English the official language for city business.

"We're not trying to hurt anybody. We're trying to protect our heritage while managing the cultural change in our community," said Walker.

Some Boaz residents say it's a way to re-claim their city.

"There's so many of them coming in here there should've been something done a long time ago," said Boaz resident William Wynn.

Walker says the city attorney and the state attorney general are expected to review the ordinance to make sure no one's rights are violated.

It's not known when a decision will be made.

Walker says if the ordinance does pass, it will not penalize businesses that already employ illegal immigrants.

It will only affect new hires.

Another small town taking a stand! woohoo!