The Governor's Spin Machine is in full operation, aided & abetted by the Charlotte Observer's libidiot Socialist anti-citizen agenda:

Posted on Sun, Dec. 02, 2007 EDITORIALS
A principled stand
Gov. Easley is right about educating illegal immigrants

Gov. Mike Easley's gutsy support of allowing undocumented immigrants to attend North Carolina community colleges -- if they qualify and pay out-of-state tuition -- is right on target. Whether this state likes it or not, our economic future depends upon having an educated workforce that can compete in the world marketplace. Denying access to community colleges eventually would leave a significant portion of our residents ill-equipped for the world of work -- and unable to pay taxes and other dues that come with living here.

"The people we are talking about were brought here as babies and young children through no fault of their own," the governor said in an interview with the Observer Friday. "They distinguished themselves throughout our K-12 (public school) system. Now, I'm not willing to grind my heel in their faces and slam the door on them. The Community College System has to be open to them in order for them to be productive members of our society and help North Carolina and America compete in the world economy."

That doesn't mean Gov. Easley is happy about the situation. He blames Congress for its failure to deal with the problem of illegal immigration and says Washington must close the borders and deal with immigration reform. The failure to do so has resulted in policymakers here having to make "agonizing decisions that are creating a lot of hate and anger," he said.

He's right about that, too. Allowing illegal immigrants who finish high school or are at least 16, and who can pay the high cost of out-of-state tuition to attend our state's colleges, is unpopular with many residents and every candidate for governor in next year's election.

"I'm going to play the hand I've been dealt," the governor said. "I don't like it, but ... we've got to deal with this so, long term, North Carolina's productivity rate is high and our economy is strong."

The governor said he thinks whoever wins the race for governor will reconsider his or her opposition to allowing undocumented immigrants to attend community colleges. "If they set a policy that is destined to build a weaker North Carolina, then they will reap the [consequences] of that," he said. Denying illegal immigrants access "doesn't penalize the immigrants, it penalizes this state and innocent children."

Gov. Easley's remarks are refreshing in light of other politicians' rote opposition to allowing undocumented residents to attend our colleges and universities even if the students pay high out-of-state tuition. As we've said previously, we'd go a step further: We believe a good case can be made for allowing illegal immigrants who live here and graduate from N.C. high schools to pay in-state tuition to attend N.C. colleges and universities.

Gov. Easley isn't going that far, arguing that federal law makes it practically impossible. But it is federal law that requires the states to educate the children of illegal immigrants in our public schools without charge. Allowing those same students to pay to attend community colleges may help ensure a sound economic future for North Carolinians. On this, the governor is right: Open access to education is in this state's best interests.
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