Governor holds gang summit

Mayors Foster, Villaraigosa participate in discussions on strategies for combating violence.

By Harrison Sheppard, From our Sacramento Bureau
Article Launched: 03/29/2007 10:18:56 PM PDT

SACRAMENTO - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger convened a summit meeting Thursday at the Capitol with about 30 mayors and police chiefs from cities plagued by gang violence throughout the state, including Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and L.A. Police Chief William Bratton.
Schwarzenegger said he wants to focus on a variety of strategies, including providing alternatives to youth such as after-school programs and better career education.

"What we want to do is really declare war on gang violence and on gangs all over the state of California," Schwarzenegger said.

And he told the mayors, "You can count on the state. We're going to work with you. You're not out there by yourself."

Foster described the hour-and-a-half meeting a brainstorming session where city and law enforcement leaders shared ideas on how to best tackle gang activities.

"Everyone agreed you have to attack the issue from all fronts," Foster said.

Bratton said in the 1990s, cities were successful in reducing gang violence thanks to strong partnerships with state and local governments, but some of that cooperation has now faded.

"(In the 1990s) we got it right," said Bratton,



the former New York City chief credited with a major crime reduction there.
"Then after 9/11, the federal government dropped off the earth - and basically went to war across the ocean, and forgot about the wars we're fighting at home."

Villaraigosa has in the past pressed the governor to create a new statewide anti-gang program that would provide at least $30 million to Los Angeles over three years to create 10 gang-reduction zones, with additional law enforcement resources as well as youth programs. He said that