Florida Times Union,Jacksonville,Florida-AS written by Roderick T. Beaman,DO

As a former conservative Republican, I am increasingly appalled by the steady march to tyranny that is being driven by this administration. While the Democratic Party spent most of the 20th century destroying our economic liberties, the Republicans seem determined to destroy what remains of our political liberties. A pox on both their houses. We have long since past the point where the people regard government as something apart from and above them, and the government seems to view itself the same way. This attitude is a dangerous one and one that led to our war to independence. Our leaders ignore it at their peril. We regulary see government officals getting away with things that would land the ordinary citizen in jail. There our hundreds of examples of preferential treatment accorded government officals. Today, our governments, at all levels, have powers to bully and bankrupt anyone into submission at the whim of any petty bureaucrat out to make a name for himself. We are not free, because we vote in a different set of the same every 2 yrs. We are still bullied, robbed and abused. The prospects are not encourgaging either. There is only one candidate, Republican Ron Paul, who asks the courageous questions about the size of government. The main stream media, the mouth pieces of government, reward him by ignoring him. Every American should realize that government is not a defender of freedom, but rather its enemy.

How true is this I ran across it in today's paper and remember someone mentioning Ron Paul