Government Close To Approving Mexican Trucks Access Anywhere In the United States
USA Daily Staff
Published 08/26/2007 - 4:30 p.m. EDT

Analysis: Announced in the Transportation Department notice in the Federal Register last week, the Transportation Department will begin a one year program allowing 100 Mexican motor carriers full access into the United States. Currently Mexican trucks are only allowed to travel with a 25 mile commercial zone along the border.

This potential assault on the United States trucking industry will begin once the Transportation Department’s Inspector General certifies that Mexican trucks and facilities are at least as safe as American standards and U.S. trucks are allowed south of the border.

The move is bewildering in the midst of a war against Islamic terrorists that the Bush administration has been waging. Americans have been continually barraged with orange and yellow terrorism alerts in the media; have gone through often less than dignifying security checks at airports, and since 911 have witnessed legislation increasing federal power over citizens.

The continued resistance of the Bush administration toward border security and its support for eradicating the borders of the United States may have been a contributing factor to the Republicans defeat in congress.

The Mexican government has also been having difficulty containing drug wars that have spilled violence into U.S. Border States. Allowing Mexican truckers full access across the United States is likely to cause an increase in the smuggling of illegal aliens, drugs, terrorists, and potentially weapons of mass destruction into the United States.

A great concern is that the United States government which seems unwilling to secure its borders will be able to verify the security of the Mexican trucks entering and traveling across the United States.

The plan to allow Mexican trucks full access across the United States is a final piece of the 1994 NAFTA legislation and coincides with the Bush administrations apparent support for a Council on Foreign Relations plan for integrating the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

A key part of the Council on Foreign Relations plan for integrating the three nations is the free flow of goods and people between nations. This is to be followed by replacing all three branches of the United States government with a North American Union version of each branch and replacing United States borders with a continental boundary.

These plans are apparently being done illegally through executive initiative without the consent of congress. To date there has been no federal investigation of these potentially high crimes against the United States government.

The economic impact on American truckers and trucking companies may be devastating as they will soon be attempting to compete against Mexican truckers and their lower wages.

There is an amendment recently introduced in the House of Representatives that cuts funding for the cross border trucking program that will delay Mexican trucks access beyond border areas for a year.