Government Contaminated Insanity

By Rick Biesada

Government violates our rights because we, the people, let them. In this atmosphere of a government induced dumbed-down society, they feel free to violate our rights with impunity, because the people do not hold them accountable when they violate the public trust.

In light of last weeks disaster; Hurricane Katrina, we now know the dire effects that the "Great Society Program," has proliferated upon our nation through the reliance upon the "Nanny State."

We have learned that normal people can not function without the aid of the burgeoning Nanny State, which has replaced common sense, self reliance, and personal responsibility, with irresponsibility, weakness, and witlessness.

This is the primary reason why our public servants feel free to violate our rights, or to usurp the law, because they feel that the people are too stupid or too scared to hold them accountable for their impeachable offenses. Their thinking is misguided because a small segment of our society has grown weary over their negligent refusal to enforce our laws, and we aim to hold them accountable for their un-constitutional actions.

Our founders would be spinning in their graves if they could see the way that our present day public servants have bastardized the rule of law, and the country that they had wrested away from tyrants; only to wind up in the same catastrophic grip of tyrants again... only this time, tyrants practicing lunacy.

The latest exhibition of looney-lawlessness has been coming from the banking industry; offering mortgage loans to illegal aliens, against federal law. They are aided and abetted by our president and Congress, who turn a blind eye towards our immigration laws and sanctioned by the patronage parasite stooges who are supposed to be running our government agencies in accordance with the law.

What is not known by most sheople, according to Diane M. Grassi, is that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), was created in 1933 to reassure the publics trust in the national banking industry by promoting the safety and soundness of these institutions by identifying, monitoring, and addressing "risks" to which they are exposed.

The FDIC and Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation are now encouraging U.S. banks to enter the largely untapped market ( Duh! ) of illegal aliens by endorsing banks across the country to offer home loans, and other financial services, such as automobile loans, to illegal invaders, regardless of their immigration status.

In doing so, banks are accepting the Individual Tax Identification Number ( ITIN ) from the people friendly Internal Revenue Service, in lieu of a Social Security card which illegal aliens do not qualify.

Wells Fargo and Bank of America have also been accepting the matricula consular card, which the FBI considers an unsecure document and illegal identification. The Matricula card is not recognized as identification by the Mexican Banking Industry, yet, seedy public officials from the United States government want to use it to encourage illegal inhabitants to throw our banking system off kilter.

Our founding fathers would take a grim view of our present government. They would consider it to be treasonous, beyond the scope of the "Limited" form of government, and the constitutional republic that they had bestowed upon us to preserve.

They would tell us that our present leaders have usurped our democratic process, and that the Federal Government is acting unlawfully by stretching it's tentacles into every facet of our lives.

Our founders would probably be getting the rope out, ready to lynch some of these useless critters for creating fiat law, and for not performing their obligation to enforce security at our borders, with this invasion of illegal aliens into the United States.

Instead, our appeasing government has abandoned and forsaken the people for greed. They have become pawns for the special interest groups and big industry.

Last Saturday, while our nations leaders were wringing their hands over their ineptness of not being all to everybody who lacks a sense of personal responsibility, and broadcasting to the world how vulnerable we are to an attack, a small group of citizens decided to exercise their civic duty.

We are told that "we are a nation of laws." The only thing wrong with this statement is that it only applies to law-abiding citizens.

In order to set the record straight, a small group of citizens decided to picket the Bank Calumet in down town Hammond Indiana, to protest this banks program that offers loans to illegal aliens; people with no status; people who do not belong in the United States.

I took a team of Chicago Minutemen with me, the Hippie Biker, and Tony C. We joined the good folks of IFIRE the Indiana Federation for Immigration Reform and Enforcement.

Cheree Calabro, and Greg Serbon, directors of IFIRE had set up a protest and were joined by about twenty patriotic citizens to exercise their constitutional rights and to alert the public of Bank Calumet's unlawful practice of encouraging and inducing illegal aliens to enter the United States, and reside here with the same status as U.S. Citizens or legal residents.

We had a good time exercising our civic duty and by the response of the people passing by, we got a lot of encouragement. People were blowing their horns in agreement with our cause. Naturally, we had a few young ladies flip us off and one greasy looking near-do-well, called us "white trash," but all in all, the response was overwhelming to our cause. We even had several people walk up to tell us that they were going to withdraw their savings from the bank. A lot of Black folks drove by honking their horns and shouting about Bank Calumet not granting them home loans.

We considered this a successful operation as we sent the message that the days of doing business as usual are going to cease. We are now going to hold these despots accountable for their unlawful actions... as I read the law, it seems to be on our side.

Bank Calumet Chairman and executive Officer, Cal Bellamy, said that the bank respects the protestors right to express their opinion, but Bank Calumet is coming down on the side of home ownership.

That's just wonderful Mr. Bellamy, as long as you want to issue loans to legal residents or those poor Black folks honking their horns at us, or the other legal residents who have a problem with obtaining a conventional mortgage, but illegal aliens don't belong here, period.

Try telling this to our service personal serving in Iraq. Many of them have had their mortgages foreclosed because they couldn't meet their payments, serving to secure our liberty, risking their lives for an oligarchy who allows our country to be cannibalised by illegal invaders from Central America, or other trespassers from around the globe. Tell them to protect Iraq's borders while our president and Congress are giving away the farm back home.

This idiot is violating Federal Law, not our opinion, and his statement only illustrates the arrogance of big business, and of our government being in conflict with the law.

The investors should be admonished of the fact that their money is at "risk." Who is going to back these loans when they go into default?

It's a good deal for the banks, they can refinance the same property dozens of times, ad-infinitum, and make a killing on never ending mortgages off of the backs of legal investors and tax payers, until this scam breaks wide open... just like the levees in New Orleans, inviting a similar disaster to the banking industry.

It seems to me that the FDIC has forgotten about the Savings & Loan Collapse of the 80's, or has been bought off by the banksters as our feckless public servants bury their heads in the sand, or look the other way, as they stuff their pockets with campaign contributions

Our good friend Sandy Miller, points out that this unlawful practice by the FDIC of encouraging banks to offer loans to illegal invaders based on their ITIN number has created a calamity. These illegals not only aren't subject to similar qualifying that legal residents have to meet, but they can get into a mortgage without putting one nickel down of their own money.

They get a grant for a down payment and closing costs for "low income" people through a community block grant issued by the feds. The 2003 legislation that did this was HR 1250 - the American dream. When the illegals want to default on the loan, they just walk away and get a new ITIN number with a new grant for the down payment and closing costs.

Sandy had spoken to Congressman Spencer Bachus, who was touring the Arizona border. Bachus chairs the House Financial Institutions subcommittee, and Sandy explained the dire effect of loaning money to people who don't belong here; burdening the law abiding investors who will be expected to make up the loss on defaulted loans through the nonsense of higher taxes again; ad- nauseam.

Congressman Bachus admitted that he hadn't considered the default possibility to the FDIC - insured member banks and ultimately to the tax payers. He said that he planned on holding hearings when Congress reconvenes, so let's help him out and pressure our Congress people to hold hearings on this no-brainer to stop these unlawful practices, of our banks playing fast and loose with the peoples money.

We have a dichotomy going with Congress and with our laws. Congress and their cheap labor special interest conspirators are in conflict with the same laws that the average law-abiding American citizen or legal resident are expected to obey.

We can always change the laws through the democratic process of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution but the good news is; we can change our legislators a lot quicker.

We should target all of the public servants who have violated their oath of allegiance, and sit in breach of their oath. They are not fit to hold public office, so we should kick them out. We should target all employers, bankers, and business personal, who have exploited illegal aliens for gain, and prosecute them according to law; Title 8 U.S. Code Section 1324 thru 26 and The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1996.

They are the people responsible for creating this monster that rewards criminals for breaking our laws, and punishes law-abiding citizens in their pursuit of happiness.

Federal Observer contributing columnist Rick Biesada hosts Perspectives On Our Heritage - The Angry White Male Hour over Radio Station WJJG 1530 AM, Chicago's Hometown station, Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 PM Central Time. If you've got a story about a public official violating the public trust, and would like to...share it, send Rick an email. While you're at it - Visit his Web-site and you'll have a little fun. While you're there - pick up a copy of his book, Angry White Male and The Horse He Rode In On.