Group pressures Va. to enter program to speed deportation

Washington DC (Map, News) - An anti-illegal immigrant group is circulating a petition aimed at pressuring Virginia agencies, including the state police, to enter a controversial program with federal authorities to speed the deportation of illegal immigrants. Under the program, called 287(g), the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, trains local law enforcement to initiate deportation proceedings for criminal illegal aliens.

While Prince William, Shenandoah, Rockingham Counties and the town of Herndon have adopted the program Virginia State Police have so far shied away from it.

The petition, launched this week by Help Save Virginia, hopes to capitalize on a growing political movement of Old Dominion localities seeking to crack down on illegal immigration and focus new scrutiny on state agencies.

"By continuing to ignore the effects of illegal immigration on the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, we believe the governor is jeopardizing the safety and security of citizens and other legal residents of the Commonwealth," the petition states.

But officials in state government and some localities - like Fairfax County - say they don't plan to adopt what is essentially a federal responsibility. Help Save Virginia recently opened up a Fairfax chapter to convince officials there to reverse course on the subject.

State Police once considered taking up 287(g) to accompany task force work on drugs, gangs and counter-terrorism, according to spokeswoman Corinne Geller, who said they opted instead to rely on existing law. Also, she said, "we realized it could be harmful to our relationship with our ethnic communities."

"We want to make sure that all individuals feel safe to come to law enforcement to report a crime," Geller told The Examiner.

The failure of Congress to pass a new immigration policy is stoking public demand for 287(g), said James Carafano, a senior fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation.

"People are turning to state and local governments and saying 'what are you doing for me?" Carafano said. "My only concern is we can't expand it fast enough to accommodate all the people that want to participate." ... ation.html