The high cost of illegal labor

February 19, 2006


David Moats' "Bienvenidos" editorial endorsed violating our immigration and labor laws, supported the cheap labor lobby, and called our border with Mexico "a geopolitical abstraction."

The 2,000 illegal aliens from Mexico reportedly working on Vermont dairy farms violate our immigration laws by being here and violate more laws by working, probably "off the books."

The illegal Mexicans are paid $7 to $8 an hour but the living wage for a single person is at least $10.50, and many of the Mexicans have their families here – illegally, of course. Who pays the difference between what they earn and what they need to survive? We all do.

If they don't live on the farm, the illegals may be occupying subsidized housing. With no requirement to prove they are here legally, they may receive Medicaid, food stamps and free education and school lunches for their children who probably require expensive English language classes. The University of Vermont extension service pays a translator to teach English to the Mexicans and Spanish to the farmers, all at taxpayer expense. Pricey emergency rooms are where illegals get their medical care. If they are injured or have babies, we all pay their bills.

Virtually no illegals pay income tax and a lot of what they earn is removed from our economy and sent home to Mexico, while the taxpayers subsidize them and their employers. Those employers probably do not collect and remit state, federal, Social Security or Medicare taxes. Could your local stores get away with that? This "cheap labor" is extremely expensive for all of us.

Most illegal aliens who drive are unlicensed and have never passed a U.S. driving test. Their cars are probably not insured or adequately maintained. This endangers everyone on our highways.

Brazenly flaunting federal laws, our Secretary of Agriculture Steve Kerr, the Vermont Farm Bureau, and Saint Bernadette's Church in Bridport have colluded to bring a Mexican consulate to Vermont three times to issue Mexican ID cards. The FBI says those cards are not secure identification. Anyone using one is obviously an illegal alien who should be deported.

Their employers and organizations and individuals who assist illegal aliens need to read the federal law they are violating: Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, USC 11324 about bringing in, encouraging and harboring illegal aliens. It can be found online.

If it's ethically OK to violate our immigration and labor laws, is it also ethically OK to violate any other laws we find inconvenient? If it's alright for Vermont farmers to hire cheap, exploitable illegals from Mexico, is it also acceptable for any American employer to hire illegals from any country? There are about 4 billion people in over 80 countries with a lower per capita income than Mexico. Should the illegal Mexicans be replaced with Chinese if they will work cheaper? If we abolish Moats' "geopolitical abstraction" that we call our border, is it possible that some terrorists might be included in the human tsunami that would overwhelm us? As Robert Frost said, "Good fences make good neighbors."

All employers should hire only U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. Hiring illegals demonstrates disregard for the rule of law and hurts American workers by driving down wages across the board. We have millions of unemployed citizens who will do any job if it pays a living wage. Whether it's Bill Gates or a Vermont farmer complaining they cannot find Americans to do their jobs, they always omit the reason: "At the low wages we want to pay." Dairy farmers work hard to provide a necessary product so we may need to subsidize them, but not through illegal alien labor.

Americans who support illegal immigration do not deserve to feel like big-hearted, welcoming, compassionate people because their compassion for illegal aliens is at the expense of their own countrymen. They do not, can not, pay the entire dollar, environmental or social costs of what they advocate. Those costs are spread over the entire American population, whether we like it or not. Trying to improve our own citizens' income, educational level and overall quality of life while accepting an unending flood of poor, needy foreigners is like trying to bail out a rowboat with a big hole in the bottom.

Thomas McKenna lives in Montpelier.