Group wants protection for undocumented immigrant Katrina victims

WASHINGTON Representatives of Latin American and Caribbean communities want illegal immigrants affected by Hurricane Katrina to have "protected humanitarian status."

The representatives made the call in an appeal today to the White House. They say the protection is needed because immigrants fearing deportation aren't seeking help at shelters. They say that's because officials are asking for Social Security numbers before they'll be allowed to enter the shelters.

The Bush administration has urged all refugees to seek help regardless of status. However, three undocumented immigrants flown to El Paso for shelter were ordered to appear for deportation hearings. Also, two immigrants who rode a bus with other evacuees in West Virginia have been taken into immigration detention.

In the past, some Central American immigrants have been granted temporary protected status after natural disasters in that region of Latin America. That provides the immigrants temporary legal status and the ability to work in the United States.