Nov 9, 06

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- California's Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Thursday that "Washington was stuck" and the Democratic takeover of Congress would shake things up.

Schwarzenegger said that by working together, his state's Republicans and Democrats on Tuesday gained voters' approval for $37.3 billion in bonds for infrastructure improvements that will increase trade with Mexico by easing the movement of goods.

The governor, who said he was traveling with California farmers who were unable to harvest their crops because of a lack of workers, called a planned U.S. border wall "an incomplete way" of solving illegal immigration. He voiced support for a guest worker program that President Bush also supports.

Farmers across the U.S. have complained about labor shortages ever since Washington increased the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year.

He said a temporary worker program would benefit both farmers in need of labor and immigrants in need of jobs. ... TE=DEFAULT