Presidential Pledge
Minuteman PAC
Presidential Pledge for Border Security

It is a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to secure the nation's borders and enforce the law. Every government representative at the federal and state level swears an oath of office to ensure this fundamental responsibility of office.

Our Border Patrol agents are under violent attack. Drug dealers are armed and assault our territory and sovereignty like a well-trained military cadre. The daily invasion of our country continues. The threat of incursion by criminals, violent gang members, and individuals who may be members of terrorist organizations is a clear and present danger to our national security and continues to undermine our public safety.

The American people have overwhelmingly and clearly demanded that we secure our borders immediately. On behalf of the American people, MMPAC is petitioning the candidates to demand they Pledge to Secure the Border.

Securing the borders of this nation is an Executive imperative

Americans realize we cannot rely solely on Congress to secure the borders. The President, as Commander-in-Chief, has an equal or greater sworn duty and mandate to protect us from foreign invasion.

That is why we call upon all the Presidential candidates to make the following Pledge to secure our borders.

Minuteman PAC Presidential Pledge

I hereby Pledge that, as President, I will not reward with the precious gift of American citizenship, by granting them any form of amnesty, those who have come to our country illegally.

I hereby Pledge that, as President, I will regard the ongoing invasion of our country by millions of foreign nationals as the clear and present danger to our nation’s security that it is, and that I will therefore take swift Executive action to confront and end it.

I hereby Pledge that, as Commander-in-Chief, I will make use of existing U.S. Military Services and National Guard manpower to bring a stop to the human tide that is flowing through our border areas, until such time as Congress makes further civilian manpower available to meet this threat. I will immediately act to deploy a minimum of 30,000 troops to bolster security measures around the entire perimeter of the contiguous territory of the United States. This will include the deployment of 20,000 Guardsmen to the southern border, 5,000 deployed along the northern border, and 5,000 to assist the Coast Guard and enhance coastal and port security. Guardsmen will be relieved of this duty only as they are replaced by newly-deployed Border Patrol agents.

I hereby Pledge that, as Commander-in-Chief, I will make use of existing U.S. Military Services and National Guard technological resources to bring a stop to the human tide that is flowing through our border areas, until such time as Congress makes further resources available to meet this threat.

I hereby Pledge that, as Commander-in-Chief, I will make use of existing U.S. Military Services and National Guard physical resources to stem the human tide that is overwhelming our borders, until Congress makes further resources available to meet this threat. This includes the provision of all necessary materiel and manpower to provide triple layer fencing along our entire southern border during my first year in office, wherever previous Congressionally-funded fence building efforts are not being carried out in a timely fashion.

I hereby Pledge that I will make full use of my Executive authority to implement the interior enforcement of all of our existing laws. This includes Executive action in opposition to any municipal or state so-called “sanctuaryâ€