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Thread: Harry Reid threatens to file cloture on immigration bill

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    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Harry Reid threatens to file cloture on immigration bill

    Harry Reid threatens to file cloture on immigration bill

    'Time is of the essence on this legislation,' says Reid. | AP Photo

    By BURGESS EVERETT | 6/18/13 10:21 AM EDT
    The Senate must speed ahead on its attempt to remake U.S. immigration policy, Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday morning, threatening to file to cut off debate by Monday.
    Reid said the workload for the Senate will be heavier than usual and that if the Senate doesn’t get to work on agreement on tranches of amendment votes, it will find itself working on the weekend — a familiar threat from the Nevada Democrat. Reid hopes to finish the legislation before the July 4 recess.
    Latest on POLITICO

    “Time is of the essence on this legislation,” Reid said. “We want to make sure that some of these major issues that people have had the time to work through them.”
    “We’re going to either file cloture on this Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday,” Reid added of moving to a vote to end debate.
    (PHOTOS: At a glance: The Senate immigration deal)
    The Senate will have its first significant votes on four amendments on Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m., and Reid urged his colleagues to get in other significant amendments as soon as they can. That includes an effort by Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.) to come to some sort of compromise on border security language with the Gang of Eight.
    “They’re working on something dealing with border security. I’m not telling anyone what to do other than tell them to do it as quickly as you can,” Reid said. “This may not be one of our normal weekends where we shoot out of town.”
    (PHOTOS: 20 quotes on immigration reform)
    Corker said on Monday that the group of senators working on a compromise on border security that could appeal to both Democrats on Republicans is getting close, but wouldn’t tip his hand.
    “There are a number of folks who are working together to try to attempt to get to that place that answer the border security issue but also does it in the way that’s objective, so there’s not a worry about the goalposts being moved down the road,” Corker told reporters. “I think we’re getting close. But again there’s a number of conversations underway and it continues to be slightly fluid. I just have a sense that there’s a good chance.”

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  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Harry Reid knows that the American public is turning sour on this Obama backed nation destroying illegal alien amnesty bill S. 744 and if he does not get it out the barn door fast, it is going to go downhill rapidly!

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  3. #3
    Senior Member oldguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC View Post
    Harry Reid knows that the American public is turning sour on this Obama backed nation destroying illegal alien amnesty bill S. 744 and if he does not get it out the barn door fast, it is going to go downhill rapidly!

    Exactly, just like the healthcare law this bill is so big no one knows the full damage it will do to the American public.
    I'm old with many opinions few solutions.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ReformUSA2012's Avatar
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    In the last week I have seen more articles then ever before usually supporting the amnesty bill from all of the major internet Media choices for the average person. Its feeling like they are pusposefully flooding the subject just to piss people off so they turn their back to the issue and ignore it rather then stay aware where they may get the correct facts once and awhile.

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