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Hayworth criticizes Mitchell immigration votes, links to Pelosi
The Business Journal of Phoenix - 1:46 PM MST Thursdayby Mike SunnucksThe Business Journal
Scottsdale Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth is on the offensive against Democratic challenger Harry Mitchell.

Hayworth is linking Mitchell to liberal House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and contends the former Tempe mayor is weak on immigration and border security.

Republicans point to Mitchell's votes as a state senator against a number of state measures aimed at illegal immigration. Mitchell voted against measures prohibiting local governments from funding or operating day labor centers that cater to illegal immigrants and barring illegal immigrants from receiving state child care subsidies and taking adult education classes.

Hayworth is a leading conservative supporter of a security-first approach to border security and opposes guest worker plans favored by Democrats, President Bush, business groups and U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Mitchell supports a guest worker plan favored by McCain, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and business interests that include the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Mitchell faults Hayworth for being too conservative on immigration and border matters and not supporting a more comprehensive approach.

Mitchell is challenging Hayworth in a congressional district that includes Tempe, Ahwatukee, Scottsdale and Fountain Hills.

Republicans are also looking to link Mitchell with Pelosi, a San Francisco lawmaker who would likely become U.S. House Speaker if Democrats gain control of the chamber in November.

Pelosi has donated to Mitchell's campaign, as have several other Democratic members of Congress including Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, Mike Honda of California and Steny Hoyer of Maryland.

The GOP hopes to turn voters in "red-state" congressional districts away from Democratic contenders such as Mitchell, by linking them to Pelosi, an outspoken California liberal and frequent critic of the Bush administration.

Mitchell spokesman Seth Scott said Hayworth is trying to divert attention away from other issues.

"This election isn't about Nancy Pelosi or any other political figure. It's about J.D. Hayworth's increasingly embarrassing ethics problems, his blocking of important stem cell research, and his 12 years of all talk and no action at the border," said Scott.

Hayworth received campaign contributions and has links to lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty to fraud charges related to under-the-table consulting fees collected from Indian casinos and tribes.

Hayworth has denied any wrongdoing in the matter and donated money received directly from Abramoff to a charity.

Democrats hopes the Abramoff matter and the Iraq war will help them unseat Hayworth, in a moderate but Republican-majority district.