Hispanic Caucus Tries To Shut Down Lou Dobbs Free Speech Using Threats To CNN
By Digger

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is furious at CNN for having Lou Dobbs on their network. They are so mad that they are now targeting all of CNN claiming that they are anti-immigrant and following in Dobbs footsteps.

It is quite amazing to me that in this day and age when half of the Hispanic youth in this country are dropping out of High School that the Hispanic Caucus actually has the time to focus on blaming a tv commentary show or network for all of their ills. That is exactly what they are doing though and they refuse to take any responsibility at all themselves.

These people are in their positions simply to hold power and grasp at money- nothing else. They are trading on the race issue for their own success and to Hell with the community they claim to represent or America.

I won't even get started on the fact that there are even segregated caucuses based on race in the US Congress. That's quite obviously racist on their part and not in the best interests of all Americans to represent a group of only one race of people.

Raw Story: http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Hispanic_ ... _0428.html

[quote]Leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, a coalition of 21 Latino congressmembers, dispatched a letter Friday to Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes complaining that the network's news coverage is slanted against immigration and has adopted the rhetoric of outspoken CNN host Lou Dobbs.

CHC Chairman Joe Baca (D-CA) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) expressed outrage that their appeals to meet privately with CNN have gone ignored, and that their letter to Time Warner's CEO have instead ended up on the desk of CNN's president.

“We are deeply offended that you did not take the time or effort to respond to a request from twenty Members of the United States House of Representatives and a United States Senator, but instead simply passed the letter along to Mr. Walton,â€