Dear Representative Conyers,

I understand there is to be hearing and investigations into the actions of one Sheriff Joe Arpaio ...he is being accused by special interest groups of breaking the law, just great! we get one sheriff in this country doing his job and the people who are suppose to represent American citizens brings him under scrutiny and puts him on trial, nothing like sending the message don't do your job or you will be in trouble because the special interest groups in America don't like it. Ummm remind you of Ramos and Compean the two border patrol agents.

Well Rep Conyers Americans are getting really getting fed up is what the 287g program says:

"Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides the legal authority for state and local enforcement to investigate, detain, and arrest aliens on civil and crimiÂ*nal grounds. Any comprehensive border and immigration security legislation by Congress should include provisions for strengthenÂ*ing and expanding programs authorized under §287(g)."
As far as the racial profiling goes does this mean if you live in a majority white neighborhood or majority black neighborhood and you pull one of those races over you are racial profiling , this is ridicules you people are letting these special interest groups run this country and make our laws, it has to stop! I realize you all don't like to do your job but illegal aliens are illegal, it is a civil offence and it is breaking our laws, we need to get back to law and order health checks when entering this country and this congress needs to get back to protecting American citizens, uphold your oath of office protect this country and protect its "Citizens" no illegal aliens.

Our immigration laws are not broken they are just not enforced, it is time to close the border and after 22 years enforce our laws
