December 24, 2007

Ms. Diane Humetewa
U.S. Attorney for Arizona

Two Renaissance Square
40 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85004-4408

Dear Ms. Humetewa:

Re: Civil Rights Act investigations —

Congratulations on your confirmation. I believe one of the major matters within your jurisdiction that has gone un-redressed in recent years are Civil Rights violations against Hispanics and prisoners by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

As you know, your office has criminal jurisdiction to enforce Civil Rights Acts like 42 USC 1841 et seq which provide punishment for public officials who discriminate against, or seek to deny, the civil rights of any racial or ethnic group. The same applies to any violation of the 8th Amendment incorporated into the 14th which bars cruel and unusual punishments or deprivation of liberty or life without due process.

There appears to be substantial evidence Sheriff Arpaio, his deputies, and perhaps other Arizona law enforcement officers — especially the Scottsdale Police — are engaged in racial profiling and making pre-textual traffic stops in an effort to find undocumented immigrants so as to get ICE to deport them. Because we believe some or all of these stops — or at least the questioning and searches that ensue — are pre-textual, we believe they endanger the rights of ALL Hispanic or brown-skinned-looking people — regardless of their immigration status; and of course, the 14th Amendment covers all PERSONS — not just citizens — so those here legally on tourist or green-card visas are affected even if they are IN FACT non-citizen Hispanic-Americans.

Further, one of your predecessors as U.S. Attorney, Janet Napolitano, was investigating Sheriff Arpaio for Civil Rights violations in his jail before she resigned to seek another office in 1998. I would ask that you re-open and update that investigation in light of the many federal and state court verdicts showing actions by the Sheriff that violate the 8th and/or 14th Amendments, some involving death of inmates due to such violations.

I am attaching copies of articles relevant thereto the Hispanic News website as some "leads" for your investigation. I'm sure the FBI can find sufficient evidence, and ask you present this to a Federal Grand Jury as soon as sufficient evidence is available to justify an Indictment.

Thank you for your expected cooperation,


Jon Garrido

Hispanic News ... heriff.htm

Garrido is a racist who doesn't seem to like American citizens. I guess that is why his answer to letters is "f--- you."