Immigrants Riled by Irish Push for Special Status [5/05/08]
Uh oh, somebody's getting their sombreros in a twist over the meltdown of the great open-borders coalition. Once a upon a time, illegal alien Irish supported a massive amnesty for 20 million foreigners in order to advantage their group of an estimated 50,000. You can't get much more selfish than that.
Now the arrogant Irish (sorry for being repetitious) want a special deal for them only, and the Mexicans are miffed.

Although immigrant organizations officially have refrained from criticizing the Irish, many rank-and-file Hispanic immigrants — who say their families have been hit hardest by deportations — are saying they are shocked that the Irish are quietly working for a separate pact with federal officials.
"It's absurd that they're working alone. We should unite together," Segundo Alvarez, 54, said at a May 1 rally in Union Square for workers' rights, during which participants criticized a recent wave of workplace raids and deportations, mostly of Hispanic immigrants. [...]
"We need more people in government who are Hispanic, and Mexican," Noel Silva, 29, of Oaxaca, Mexico, said as he towed his 3-year-old son and carried his year-old daughter to a Cinco de Mayo festival in Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens yesterday.
If Americans called for more Presbyterians in government, La Raza would be squawking "Racist!" in a heartbeat. But when Mexicans complain that their demographic assault is not proceeding fast enough, that's just ethnic solidarity.
Squabbling nationalities, olé!