Sign of the times?

November 2, 2009 - 12:53 ET

GLENN: We have Doug Hoffman on the line. Doug Hoffman is the guy that was running as the independent in the 23rd district of New York, and he was running as a third party because the Democrat was, you know, ACORN endorsed and so was the Republican. The Republican drops out over the weekend and then she quickly endorses the Democrat. This is exactly what we were talking about last week. What difference does it make? If you have a Republican that drops out of the race and then doesn't endorse the conservative but instead embraces the Democrat that was also ACORN endorsed, what difference does it make? Doug Hoffman is on with us now. Hello, Doug.

HOFFMAN: Hi, Glenn, how are you doing? It's a pleasure to be here as the common sense conservative Ronald Reagan Republican in this race.



GLENN: Now, let me ask you something, Doug.


GLENN: You know, do you how much do you think it is your electric personality that is pushing you to this win?

HOFFMAN: Well, we all know that certainly isn't doing that, Glenn. I think it's the positions that I hold and the values that I hold.

GLENN: Right, okay, all right. Here's what I wanted to ask. Because you are a 9/12er, are you not?

HOFFMAN: Yes, I am. I am proud to be.

GLENN: And you some polls I see that you are ahead by, like, 17 points. Other polls I see you losing. I don't I have no I don't know how the plus or minus could be, you know, 50. But apparently it is. Have you sensed anything here in the last few days?

HOFFMAN: Yes, I have, Glenn. I've sensed a real momentum going in our direction, and we're still fighting like the underdog and we're still fighting like we have to get every vote to the polling booth tomorrow and vote for us because it's not over until it's over as you know. And we're getting the message out that if you want less taxes, less spending and somebody that can help the farmers and the small businesses and the individuals in this 23rd district that I'm the person to do it. And if you want higher taxes, then vote for my Democratic opponent.

GLENN: Here's my concern, Doug. A friend of mine said to me, I don't know, recently, we were talking about where is the guy that's going to run for president, where is this person. And he said, you know what? You should run for president. And I said, we would run out of missiles, and I made the usual joke. And then he said, I'm serious, you should run for president, why wouldn't you run for president. And I said, well, because I don't think I'm electable in the first place because I'd be, I'd just be frank with people: If you don't like it, go pound sand. The second part of it is I would be afraid I would lose my soul. I don't know if you can go into that cesspool and come out with our soul. How strong are you? Because you know now that the party has said, well, you know what? Hey, Dougie, Dougie baby, we were with you the whole time! We were just getting around! You start to make an impact, Doug, and they are going to do everything they can to pretend they are your friend. And before you know it, you've lost your soul and you've become one of the Borg. Are you concerned about that at all?

PAT: Despite the dorky Star Trek reference that nobody probably really understands?

GLENN: Come on

PAT: Doug, are you aware of stark trek Next Generation?

HOFFMAN: Oh, yeah.

GLENN: Of course.

PAT: He's electable, he's electable.

GLENN: We could hang out. We could hang out.

HOFFMAN: I think I've shown to the voters of the 23rd district that I stand up for what I believe in and I'm not persuaded by the party bosses. And that's the way I intend to be the congressman, and I'm going to represent the people of this district. And the people of this district are going to be my boss, and I'll listen to them.

GLENN: You know that the you know that we are headed for tough times economically. You are an accountant, right?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely.

GLENN: You know that, I mean, there are consequences to your actions. There's just no way to I mean, we're getting to the point of no return. We're going to have massive economic problems, correct?

HOFFMAN: Yes, we are. If we don't stop the spending and the taxing, we definitely will.

GLENN: Okay. They come to you and they say, Doug I was going to use GM but I don't think there's anything left of Kodak. Is Kodak in your district?

HOFFMAN: No, it isn't. It's just outside in Rochester.

GLENN: Well, let's just use GM because everybody knows it.


GLENN: They come to you and they say GM is going under. If we don't save it, we're going to lose all of these jobs. It's going to be an economic nightmare. As GM goes, so goes America, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And they give you a million great reasons for saving it. Do you step in and bail GM out?

HOFFMAN: I don't think so, Glenn. I think that's what's getting us into this problem. All the bailouts from last year, spending money that we don't have. And certainly we can't save every business in this country and if it was a small business, the small businesses generate over 80% of the jobs in the country. We can't save every small business.

GLENN: Now when you say I don't think so, because for me that answer is, no. What do you mean you don't think so? What would come to play where you would where that would change your mind?

HOFFMAN: Well, let me be more emphatic and agree with you. I would say no, absolutely. I don't think we should save mismanagement. We shouldn't save any corporations that can't effectively run in the free enterprise system.

GLENN: See, America, this is the passion that I think you are hearing.

PAT: It's understated. It's understated passion.

GLENN: Sure. I mean, it's electric. It's happening. You know what, Doug? I tell you I don't know if you saw that monologue I did where I think we called you the wrong name. I think we called you Dave Hoffman. Not my fault. But I did a monologue a couple of days before we had you on and I said, you know, the candidates of tomorrow are not going to be sleek, they are not going they are going to be like you. They are going to be like and I don't mean you, Doug. I mean like the average person. You were just

HOFFMAN: That's what I am is the average person.

GLENN: Yeah. And it's not you know, we have to decide. Now, the question is whether you and people like you have the character to withstand the onslaught that you're going to receive when you get down there. You know, a senator told a friend of mine once, a guy who had been there for a very long time, he said, why do you want to get into politics? He said, I've been in politics for a very long time; I've never seen anyone leave Washington a better man than they came to Washington as.

HOFFMAN: Well, that's a sad commentary. You have to change it somewhere and hopefully I'll be the person that starts to change it. And Glenn, I hope in 2010 there's going to be a lot more average people like me not rock stars, not polished speaking politicians, step up to the plate and take this country back and start a new trend.

PAT: What do you think about what President Obama is doing with our troops in Afghanistan, especially now? Do you find that to be immoral?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely. As an army veteran I believe that if you are going to put our troops in harm's way, you have to be fully supporting them. And if a general telling us we need more troops, it shouldn't be a 60 or 90 day decision. It should be immediately granted.

GLENN: Yeah, I have a lot of people that tell me that I shouldn't say these things on the radio. So let me say them on the radio. I've come to a place now to where if I'm in congress and I see this and I see this Vietnam attitude start coming down the pike, if I can't change it and give them everything, I vote to pull them out. Would you agree or disagree with that?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely. If we're going to put them in harm's way, we've got to be fully committed to a victory and obtain our objective or they should not be there at all.

GLENN: Are you for another stimulus package?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely not. I'm for revoting on the old stimulus package and getting it redirected to small businesses that can create jobs and really create jobs.

PAT: Doug, would you have voted for the first one?

HOFFMAN: No, absolutely not.

GLENN: Would you have voted for see, there was a passionate one. I like that one.

PAT: That wasn't even understated.

GLENN: No, no.

PAT: That was no!

GLENN: There you go. All right. Next one, the guy who's running against what's his face, the billionaire in New Jersey, Christie, do you think he's too fat to be governor?

PAT: Should weight be a

GLENN: Should weight be an issue?

HOFFMAN: I'll stay away from that one, Glenn.

GLENN: Okay, good. The climate change bill is coming. Do you believe that climate change is man caused, not man caused, not happening, can be cured and turned around. Where do you stand on climate change?

HOFFMAN: Well, I think there's a lot of debate on there. I don't believe that it's totally manmade, and I certainly don't believe the cap and tax bill is going to solve that problem.

GLENN: Cap and tax bill, see what's happening here?

PAT: See there?

GLENN: See what's happening?

PAT: He's getting stronger every second.

GLENN: He's getting stronger, there it is, every second.

PAT: Every second. What about

HOFFMAN: I have good mentors here.

GLENN: Wait, wait. Wait, wait. Are they mentors that will show

HOFFMAN: I'm talking about you, Glenn.

GLENN: Oh, okay. I was going to say all right, as long as they are standing out from the shadows. It's not like somebody going, "Doug, I tell you what, you just sign away your soul and I'll make you king of the universe." Because those people are coming.

HOFFMAN: No. Yeah, well, I'm going to keep in touch with people like you so I don't get infected with that disease.

GLENN: Have you without naming names, I would never put you in that position. Have you met anybody in politics yet that you went, okay, got to stay away from that person, hmmm? Yeah.

HOFFMAN: Yes, I have. I have.

PAT: All right, go ahead and name names.

GLENN: I said I wasn't going to. Pat clearly is going to make you name names.

PAT: Where do I think we asked you about this last week, but I just want to make sure. Where would you stand because this is the next one. After they get the healthcare jammed down our throats and then they try for climate change, they are going to go after amnesty for illegal aliens. Where do you stand on that?

HOFFMAN: No, absolutely not.

PAT: Okay, another emphatic answer.

GLENN: Okay. Let me go back here. If perhaps they don't get the healthcare bill passed in the next few weeks and you get into office and they are still coming at it, do you look at what they're trying to do as really truly trying to fix healthcare? Or don't open the door to these weasels because they're trying to build a system that doesn't look like the free market system?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely. They are trying to build a public option that we're all going to be forced into and take away our rights on healthcare issues.

GLENN: Now, I just want you to know, America, look for the headlines because I believe the story will come out now after this interview that he is a racist hate monger that wants to step on the throats of the poor and help big industry and also big war and who else? The insurance companies.

PAT: And look. As we're speaking to you, MSNBC is putting up a poll. Doug Hoffman 41% of the vote, Bill Owens 36 and DeDe Scozzafava who dropped out 6%. So

GLENN: What do you think of her saying I mean, didn't she, when she first dropped out didn't she say that she didn't want to hurt the party and that's why she was dropping out?

HOFFMAN: Yes, absolutely.

GLENN: And then she said vote for the Democrat?


PAT: Doesn't that hurt the Republican Party? I mean, maybe it's just us, but that doesn't

HOFFMAN: Well, certainly I would have liked to have her endorse me but maybe it helps me, too.

GLENN: Oh, I think it does. I think it does. If she would have endorsed you, it would have been the kiss of death. It would have been, wait, something's wrong with this guy.

PAT: Should have your people call saying, please, we don't want your endorsement, no endorsement necessary.

GLENN: Doug? I like you. You seem like a normal guy. You seem like a nice guy. You seem like the kind of person that we need in Washington which is just a regular person.

PAT: Stay your same sweet self.

GLENN: Yeah, please do that because I will tell you that a lot of people are counting on you if you would win and beyond that. You, then people like you who get in, if you turn to the dark side, you will do more damage. And also I think receive more pain in the end of things from the American people because they are really trusting you. They are really, they are saying I mean, you are this is almost like a last line of defense. This is like, okay, well, I've just got to have a regular guy in there. You know that, right?

HOFFMAN: Absolutely. And this might sound corny to you. But as a CPA that's the way our ethics and morals are is we stick to our values and we don't change for anything, not even for our clients. We're out to protect the public.

GLENN: All right, my friend. Thank you very much.

HOFFMAN: Okay. Let's stop Nancy Pelosi so I can get in there and vote against her.

GLENN: You got it. Thanks a lot.

HOFFMAN: Thank you.

GLENN: Doug Hoffman from the 23rd district in New York. ... 196/32657/