Holding Bush, Clinton and Gore responsible for their failures and misguiding the nation
Kiran Chaube
Jan. 16, 2008

Should Clintons pay for dot com bubble and 2001 recession? Should Clinton and Gore pay for NAFTA failure? Should Bush and Greenspan pay for real estate, subprime bubble and Iraq failure?

When will the politicians start paying for their failures, lies and deliberate misguiding the nation instigated by the special interests?

It is about time that people take the power back from the special interest driven politicians. It was amazing to see Al Gore defend the failed NAFTA that cause so much pain for the whole Americas.

Now Hillary Clinton tends not to remember anything about their NAFTA initiatives. When Gore and Clintons pay for their mistakes?

The same applied to George Bush. Why should tax payers pay for the Iraq war? Should George Bush and his rich friends who received the tax breaks pay for the sufferings and associated costs?

If politicians are held responsible for their mistakes and catastrophic decisions, many of these career politicians will start working for real jobs and quit politics.

It is time for the ‘people’ to hold responsible the politicians for their mistakes, misguidance and shameful lies to protect special interests.
