Guest Editorials Sonoran News

SB 1070: A victory for Arizona and America

Judge Susan Bolton has given her Judicial Stamp of Approval on illegal aliens and their well-funded anarchist and anti-American advocates. However, you may be thinking Judge Bolton’s ruling was a defeat for Arizona and our fight against illegal immigration. I want you to know, despite the temporary setback with parts of SB 1070 and her attempt to support the Obama administration’s policy of Non-Enforcement, actually as the author of SB1070 the ruling is a victory.

As of July 29, State officials are required to report illegal aliens. The handcuffs come off from law enforcement. No more Sanctuary/Catch and Release policies and penalties for hiring illegal day laborers and your vehicle will be impounded. Officers can and will enforce all immigration laws: no more political handcuffs that restrict them in any way, or we will sue. “We the Peopleâ€