Tell the Senate: Vote 'NO' on Peru FTA

Tomorrow the Senate is scheduled to vote on a disastrous free trade agreement with Peru that would mean more job losses and stagnant wages for American workers.
The Peru Free Trade Agreement was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month, despite the fact that it encourages offshoring of American jobs and does nothing to protect workers, consumers or the environment in either country. A majority of Democrats opposed the bill, but it still passed the House.
Tell your senators to vote "NO" against this job-killing agreement modeled after the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Your Senators

Below is the sample letter:
Subject: Vote No on Peru FTA
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I am writing to urge you to stop the Bush administration from selling off more good-paying American jobs in the name of free trade.

I urge you to vote "NO" against the disastrous Peru Free Trade Agreement, which encourages offshoring of American jobs and does nothing to protect workers, consumers or the environment here at home or in Peru.

It is time to take a stand for American workers. Send them the best holiday gift they could ever want this season by voting in favor of keeping good-paying American jobs at home. It's time for a new trade model that encourages job creation.

Trade agreements like Peru have been in place in Latin America for years and they've done nothing to improve living conditions. There are millions of workers in Mexico who are far worse off because of NAFTA. This is just more of the same.

American workers deserve more from their political leaders than one disastrous trade agreement after another. It makes absolutely no sense for Congress to pass another trade bill when the dollar is in free fall because of the trade deficits we're piling up.

Vote "NO" against this job-killing trade deal and send a message to American workers that you care about their jobs.

From an E-Mail from The Teamsters