The Gilchrist for Congress campaign has created TEN TALKING POINTS that supporters can use in getting the word out about Jim.

The talking points emphasize Jim's positions, background, support from big-name immigration-reform advocates, and focus on curbing illegal immigration (not immigration itself, which Jim favors).

Topics: Jim Gilchrist Campaign for congress, campaigns, elections, Minuteman Project, Minutemen, illegal immigration, Border Security

The points also stress the national importance of Jim's race, and the impact Jim has already had on border security--as the founder of the Minuteman Project.


TALKING POINTS for Jim Gilchrist supporters

Below are suggested "talking points" for use in getting the word out about JIM GILCHRIST:

1.. Jim's campaign has national significance, since electing Jim to Congress will bring increased nationwide attention to the national security threat of our open borders and the problem of uncontrolled illegal immigration.

2.. Electing Jim will help force the federal government to secure our porous borders and enforce existing immigration laws.

3.. Jim is a proven leader who is not beholden to special interests or party--giving his leadership unique independence and integrity.

4.. As the founder of the Minuteman Project, Jim is the only candidate for national office who has actually done something to improve the security crisis on our borders and curb illegal immigration. By inspiring a grassroots movement that has brought attention to this vital issue, Jim has a proven commitment to doing what our elected officials have failed to do: enforce the law.

5.. Even though Jim may not represent your district, your support can help bring his leadership to Congress. His candidacy offers a special opportunity to turn years of government inaction around on the vital issue of border security.

6.. Jim is a former newspaper reporter and a retired California CPA (Certified Public Accountant). He holds a B.A. in newspaper journalism, a B.S. in business administration, and an M.B.A. in taxation. He's also a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and recipient of the Purple Heart award for wounds sustained while serving with an infantry unit in Vietnam, 1968 - 1969.

7.. Jim is running in California's Congressional District 48 (Orange County)--in a special election necessitated by the appointment of Rep. Chris Cox to the SEC (Security and Exchange Commission). The primary is October 4, and the general election December 6. Since there is no incumbent, the race is wide open.

8.. Jim is a Reagan Republican running as an Independent. Because of the unusually conservative nature of Orange County, and the national support he enjoys, Jim actually has a good shot at winning. Voters have a chance to send a true citizen-patriot to Washington, and in so doing, send a message to politicians all over the country.

9.. Jim has been endorsed by Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo--Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Immigration Reform Caucus--and many other Republican and conservative leaders, including former Congressman Robert Dornan, a well-known conservative who represented Orange County from 1977 to 1997. Jim has been endorsed by all the major Immigration Reform PACs and leadership, and many independent talk radio hosts based in California.

10.. Jim and his supporters are not anti-immigration, nor are they racist, separatist, or elitist. They simply believe in enforcing existing law--for the safety, security, and sovereignty of our nation.

Don't forget--we have great ads for radio and TV, and we urgently need more online donations to be able to keep them on air.

Paid for and authorized by Gilchrist for Congress

Gilchrist for Congress
PO Box 295, Lake Forest, CA 92609
Phone: 949-588-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 949-462-9066