Huckabee calls Romney's campaign 'dishonest'

Continuing a heated argument he's been having with fellow Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee just said on NBC-TV's Meet the Press that Romney has been running a "very desperate and frankly dishonest campaign."

Huckabee has particularly objected in recent days to things Romney has said about their records as governors on crime, taxes and immigration. The two have basically been arguing over who has been tougher on crime, more committed to cutting taxes and to stopping illegal immigration.

NBC's Tim Russert also led Romney through some questions that seemed aimed at testing the candidate's foreign policy acumen by probing how much he knows about one of the world's most volatile nations: Pakistan.

On Pakistan's population, according to the CIA World Factbook, Huckabee got it right: About "164 million people."

On Pakistan's religious make-up, again according to the World Factbook, he also got it right: The majority of Pakistan's Muslims are Sunnis.

Update at 11:20 a.m. ET. A Romney campaign response:

"Mike Huckabee's record is his own," Romney campaign spokesman Kevin Madden says in an e-mail statement. "These are Mike Huckabee's wrong policies, his tax hikes, his spending binges and his bad judgment on everything from illegal immigration to granting clemency to felons.

"Mike Huckabee never refutes the facts of his troubling record. It's a record that is tough to defend, so his testiness and irritability when being questioned on it is obvious. But, Mike Huckabee's lashing out with personal attacks against Governor Romney that have no merit or substance is quite unfortunate. Campaigns should be about the issues."

Earlier, we posted about the Sunday morning talk show appearances of Republican Fred Thompson,Democratic
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Sen. John .McCain

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