Cowbirds! Cracks me up.

But very accurate!

'Cowbirds' push our chicks out of nest'

From Robert Craig,
Mountain Home:

The cowbird is a brood parasitic bird. It does not build its own nest or care for its own young. Rather, it watches until another nesting bird lays eggs. Waiting patiently for this unsuspecting female to leave her eggs, the cowbird will lay its own eggs in with the hosts.

The host hatches the cowbird's eggs along with hers and cares for its young. The cowbirds grow faster and become larger, often consuming the most food causing the host's chicks to die.

It is common for the cowbird chicks to push the other chicks out of the nest.

Mike Huckabee has stated that children of illegal immigrants shouldn't be punished for the sins of their parents and they should be granted in-state tuition and access to college scholarships.

My concern and question to Mr. Huckabee is why should we give up our own children's birthright for those of people who have entered our country illegally?

Do we possess such infinite resources that all of our own children have access to scholarships and financial aid to attend college? I think not.
Mr. Huckabee is attempting to shift responsibility for these children from their own parents to us.

Somehow their parents aren't responsible for putting them in this situation, and we are a mean-spirited and shortsighted lot for not supporting them.
I would ask Mr. Huckabee, where does this end?

Do you believe the average American worker has an unlimited budget to fund schooling for those who don't pay school taxes?

I see most Americans living on the edge, one more gas-price increase or mortgage-payment hike away from desperation.

Yet Mr. Huckabee believes we are obligated to take on the added burden of supporting illegal immigrants.

I am in favor of legal immigration; I am in favor of funding higher education.
What I'm not in favor of is being chastised by someone who "sows not yet reaps" for not being enthusiastic about supporting these people.

If Mr. Huckabee feels strongly about this issue, he is free to start his own foundation to fund educating illegal immigrants.

However, he should be more concerned with using our tax dollars to provide a better education to our own children.

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