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Tancredo's world of ignorance

Ralph De La Cruz
Lifestyle Columnist

December 17, 2006

An open letter to Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, who last week compared South Florida to a Third World country: Thank you for informing the rest of the country of the dangerous situation in South Florida. It's an absolute war zone out here, what with people forcing Cuban coffee and arepas on you and speaking ... oh, the horror ... Spanish.

I'm glad to see you're on the case. But I fear you've overstated the impact of immigrants and the Spanish language.

We still have plenty of good

Uh-mur-ican leaders who know how to conduct business in English.

People such as your former colleague, Mark Foley. And suspended Hollywood Commissioner Keith Wasserstrom.

You'll be relieved to know Spanish plays no part in the investigation into Foley's pursuit of congressional pages or Wasserstrom's corruption inquiry.

As you travel the country exposing South Florida's dark side, I have just one request: Could you please also remind all those wannabe immigrants from up north that, down here, our police shoot and our cockroaches fly?

That, if not for the raven-sized mosquitoes, the flying cockroach would have been designated the state bird.

Think about THAT the next time it's 12-below and you're shoveling your way out of your house, fantasizing about a South Florida address.

By the way, sorry you had to cancel your trip here to teach us about assimilation. Although I couldn't quite figure out exactly why the Rotary Club of Miami asked a man who was born and raised in Colorado to explain assimilation to people in South Florida.

I might have been interested in your Italian immigrant grandfather's take on the subject. But having you, two generations removed, talking about assimilation makes as much sense as having me go to Denver to talk about shooting skeet in Colorado.

Your office said your talk was canceled because of threats received by the restaurant hosting the event. The restaurant, however, told reporters they hadn't received threats. They were worried about the effect your newfound celebrity might have on customers. Said something about the impact 30 TV trucks would have on business.

Your spokesman, Carlos Espinosa, said, "We called about a dozen [restaurants], but they either didn't have the capacity or they didn't want to deal with the same threats the Rusty Pelican received."

Maybe you should've tried Taco Bell.

Congressman, I appreciate your efforts. But there is one thing that disappointed me: you're condescending statement after the cancellation.

"I knew speaking your mind could be dangerous in Havana," you said. "I guess it's equally dangerous to do so in Miami."

I would think, as the congressman representing Littleton, Colo. -- home of Columbine High School -- that you would understand every community has its crazies. And only demagogues or simpletons dare use their actions as being illustrative of the entire community.

As an expert on assimilation, you should know Cuban-Americans have been among the most successful at assimilating into this great country. Within 40 years, we've become owners of banks and presidents of colleges. Developed enough political clout to elect a senator, and yes, even some of your congressional colleagues.

You said you want to eventually come to South Florida to enlighten us about how immigration has turned us into a Third World region.

I suggest you focus on your home state first.

Maybe in Greeley, home of Swift & Co.

The day you were supposed to speak in Miami, Swift's meatpacking plants were raided and 1,292 people were arrested.

On immigration charges.

Ralph De La Cruz can be reached at or 954-356-4727.

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